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.2012 May 11;108(19):191801.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.191801. Epub 2012 May 11.

Improved measurement of muon antineutrino disappearance in MINOS

P Adamson  1D S AyresC BackhouseG BarrM BishaiA BlakeG J BockD J BoehnleinD BogertS V CaoS ChildressJ A B CoelhoL CorwinD Cronin-HennessyI Z DankoJ K de JongN E DevenishM V DiwanC O EscobarJ J EvansE FalkG J FeldmanM V FrohneH R GallagherR A GomesM C GoodmanP GouffonN GrafR GranK GrzelakA HabigJ HartnellR HatcherA HimmelA HolinX HuangJ HylenG M IrwinZ IsvanD E JaffeC JamesD JensenT KafkaS M S KasaharaG KoizumiS KoppM KordoskyA KreymerK LangJ LingP J LitchfieldL LoiaconoP LucasW A MannM L MarshakM MathisN MayerR MehdiyevJ R MeierM D MessierD G MichaelW H MillerS R MishraJ MitchellC D MooreL MualemS MufsonJ MusserD NaplesJ K NelsonH B NewmanR J NicholJ A NowakW P OliverM OrchanianR B PahlkaJ PaleyR B PattersonG PawloskiS Phan-BuddR K PlunkettX QiuA RadovicJ RatchfordB RebelC RosenfeldH A RubinM C SanchezJ SchnepsA SchreckenbergerP SchreinerR SharmaA SousaM StraitN TaggR L TalagaJ ThomasM A ThomsonG TintiR TonerD TorrettaG TzanakosJ UrheimP VahleB VirenJ J WaldingA WeberR C WebbC WhiteL WhiteheadS G WojcickiR ZwaskaMINOS Collaboration
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Improved measurement of muon antineutrino disappearance in MINOS

P Adamson et al. Phys Rev Lett..
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We report an improved measurement of ν(μ) disappearance over a distance of 735 km using the MINOS detectors and the Fermilab Main Injector neutrino beam in a ν(μ)-enhanced configuration. From a total exposure of 2.95×10(20) protons on target, of which 42% have not been previously analyzed, we make the most precise measurement of Δm2=[2.62(-0.28)(+0.31)(stat)±0.09(syst)]×10(-3) eV2 and constrain the ν(μ) mixing angle sin2(2θ)>0.75 (90% C.L.). These values are in agreement with Δm2 and sin2(2θ) measured for ν(μ), removing the tension reported in [P. Adamson et al. (MINOS), Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 021801 (2011).].

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