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.2007 Mar;75(3 Pt 1):031402.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.75.031402. Epub 2007 Mar 22.

Frank's constant in the hexatic phase


Frank's constant in the hexatic phase

P Keim et al. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys.2007 Mar.


Using videomicroscopy data of a two-dimensional colloidal system the bond-order correlation function G{6} is calculated and used to determine both the orientational correlation length xi{6} in the liquid phase and the modulus of orientational stiffness, Frank's constant F{A}, in the hexatic phase. The latter is an anisotropic fluid phase between the crystalline and the isotropic liquid phase. F{A} is found to be finite within the hexatic phase, takes the value 72/pi at the hexatic<-->isotropic liquid phase transition, and diverges at the hexatic<-->crystal transition as predicted by the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young theory. This is a quantitative test of the mechanism of breaking the orientational symmetry by disclination unbinding.

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