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.2005 Dec 20;102(51):18292-6.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.0507601102. Epub 2005 Dec 7.

Microbial origin of excess methane in glacial ice and implications for life on Mars


Microbial origin of excess methane in glacial ice and implications for life on Mars

H C Tung et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A..


Methane trapped in the 3,053-m-deep Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 ice core provides an important record of millennial-scale climate change over the last 110,000 yr. However, at several depths in the lowest 90 m of the ice core, the methane concentration is up to an order of magnitude higher than at other depths. At those depths we have discovered methanogenic archaea, the in situ metabolism of which accounts for the excess methane. The total concentration of all types of microbes we measured with direct counts of Syto-23-stained cells tracks the excess of methanogens that we identified by their F420 autofluorescence and provides independent evidence for anomalous layers. The metabolic rate we estimated for microbes at those depths is consistent with the Arrhenius relation for rates found earlier for microbes imprisoned in rock, sediment, and ice. It is roughly the same as the rate of spontaneous macromolecular damage inferred from laboratory data, suggesting that microbes imprisoned in ice expend metabolic energy mainly to repair damage to DNA and amino acids rather than to grow. Equating the loss rate of methane recently discovered in the Martian atmosphere to the production rate by possible methanogens, we estimate that a possible Martian habitat would be at a temperature of approximately 0 degrees C and that the concentration, if uniformly distributed in a 10-m-thick layer, would be approximately 1 cell per ml.

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Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Methane concentration as a function of depth in the GISP2 ice core (ref. ; E. Brook, personal communication). Below 2,950 m, the scale is expanded to show the anomalously high methane values at 2,954, 3018, and 3,036 m.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.
Microbial concentration as a function of radial distance from the surface to the center of the GISP2 ice core at a depth of 500 m. Some of the outermost 3.8 cm of ice had clearly been contaminated by either the drilling fluid used to cut the core or subsequent handling.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.
Concentrations of all cells (Upper) and of methanogens (Lower). Syto-23 stain was used to visualize fluorescence of all cells, and F420 autofluorescence was used to image methanogenic cells. Measurements were made with both Syto-23 and F420 on the same samples at all depths except at 1,887 m. Error bars indicate counting statistics. Upper limits at 90 cells per ml correspond to a null count at an 84% confidence level. At depths ≈1 m above and below the values at 2,954, 3,018, and 3,036 m, the concentrations drop to background values, just as was the case for methane in Fig. 1.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.
Temperature dependence of metabolic rate of microbial communities imprisoned in ice, rock, and sea sediment. Metabolic products are shown in parentheses. Solid-red squares show the rates at temperatures from 24 to –40°C; the rate for cells in GISP2 silty ice is shown at –9.5°C (13). Solid-blue diamonds denote the present results for methanogens in GISP2 ice at 2,954 and 3,018 m, and solid-green triangles denote the present results for CO2 producers at the same depths.
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