Primary laparoscopic placement of gastrostomy buttons for feeding tubes. A safer and simpler technique
- PMID:10526034
- DOI: 10.1007/s004649901154
Primary laparoscopic placement of gastrostomy buttons for feeding tubes. A safer and simpler technique
Background: During a 4-year period, 240 gastrostomy buttons were placed in children, as the initial surgical feeding tube, using laparoscopic techniques.
Materials and methods: The technique requires the use of a minilaparoscope (1.6-mm) and a single 5-mm trocar placed at the exit site for the gastrostomy button. It can also be performed in addition to a laparoscopic fundoplication using the same trocar sites. The technique requires no special instrumentation or kits. When performed alone, operative times average 15 min. When performed with fundoplication, it adds approximately 5-10 min to the time for the procedure.
Results: There were no intraoperative complications and five (2.1%) postoperative complications.
Conclusions: This technique has proven to be simple and effective. It allows primary placement of a gastrostomy button that is cosmetically and functionally superior to a gastrostomy tube.
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