Pub.dev policies and how they are enforced#
Pub.dev is the official package repository for Dart and Flutter apps.We strive to support the publication of packages in a manner that istrustworthy, and works for our users.ThePub.dev Policy describes our policies around acceptable use of ourservices.These policies are designed to ensure a safe and positive experience for ourusers and abide by applicable laws.This article provides additional information on how we enforce these policies.
The Pub.dev Policy prohibits content that is harmful to our users or others(including name squatting, trademark and copyright infringement, and harmful ordeceptive content).Please use the "Report package" link at the bottom of each package page toreport illegal content and policy violations.
To ensure efficient review of your policy complaint, please provide the name,role and contact information of the person initiating the complaint,a description of and link to the material, and URLs and package names for allpackages related to the complaint.We cannot take action on incomplete complaints.
Pub.dev moderators conduct human reviews of all reported content.When assessing content to determine whether it violates our policies, we takevarious information into consideration when making a decision,such as package information (including contents of package archives),publisher and account information (including past history of policy violations),and other information provided through reporting mechanisms.
We take action on content that violates our policies and is harmful to usersand the overall pub.dev ecosystem.If your account or content are found to be in violation, we may:
- Remove or limit the visibility of the material
- Temporarily or permanently suspend your access to pub.dev
- Report illegal materials to appropriate law enforcement authorities
If content is removed or restricted from pub.dev, it is removed orrestricted globally and indefinitely by default.Egregious violations of our policies may result in more significant enforcementrepercussions, including but not limited to an immediate ban and escalation tolaw enforcement authorities.
How to appeal a content moderation decision#
If you report content or an account, or your content or account was actionedagainst, you will receive a notification about the type of enforcement andthe reasoning for any enforcement action taken.The notification will also contain a link to submit an appeal of our decisionif you believe it was a mistake. We allow one appeal per incident.Appeals may not be available in all circumstances(e.g., certain court ordered removals).
Appeals must be submitted within six months of the content moderation decision.When submitting an appeal, be sure to include sufficient facts and evidencenecessary to show why our decision was in error.Appeals that do not include such information, and/or simply restate the factsand evidence stated in the initial report will be denied.We reserve the right to take action against users who abuse our appealsprocesses, including temporarily or permanently suspending a user's ability tosubmit further appeals if that user makes claims that are spammy,use inappropriate language, or are otherwise manifestly unfounded.
Once we've reviewed your appeal, we'll communicate the outcome to you.If we agree with your appeal, we'll take appropriate action to reverse ourprior decision.
If you're covered by the European Union's Digital Services Act ("DSA"),the option to refer your complaint to a certified out-of-court disputesettlement body may also be available to you.Learn more about the European Union's DSA.If you have legal questions or wish to examine other remedies that may beavailable to you, including the option of referring this matter to a court,you may wish to speak to your own lawyer.