Este conceito foi popularizado pelosJovens Turcos e, em especial porEnver Paşa. Foi, então, rejeitado e combatido sob aTurquiaKemalista, embora tenha sido invocado onacionalismo para a formação de jovem Estado-nação turco - em nome do famoso princípio kemalista: "Paz em casa, paz no mundo".[carece de fontes?]
↑«Pan-Turkism».Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009.Political movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which had as its goal the political union of all Turkish-speaking peoples in the Ottoman Empire, Russia, China, Iran, and Afghanistan.
↑Jacob M. Landau, "Radical Politics in Modern Turkey", BRILL, 1974.
↑Robert F. Melson, "The Armenian Genocide" in Kevin Reilly (Editor), Stephen Kaufman (Editor), Angela Bodino (Editor) "Racism: A Global Reader (Sources and Studies in World History)", M.E. Sharpe (January 2003). pg 278:"Concluding that their liberal experiment had been a failure, CUP leaders turned to Pan-Turkism, a xenophobic and chauvinistic brand of nationalism that sought to create a new empire based on Islam and Turkish ethnicity."