Ford Madox Ford (Merton,Surrey,17 de dezembro de1873 –Deauville,26 de junho de1939) foi umromancista,poeta,crítico ejornalistainglês, amigo de muita influência sobreEzra Pound.
Frequentou emParis os mesmos círculos que os escritoresJames Joyce,Ernest Hemingway eGertrude Stein, e fundou o jornal literário English Review, que teveJoseph Conrad como colaborador-chefe. Sua extensa obra incluiensaios,poesia,memórias ecrítica literária. O bom soldado, seu livro mais famoso, é considerado um clássico doséculo XX.[1]
Madox Ford morreu aos 65 anos emDeauville,França.
- The Shifting of the Fire, as H Ford Hueffer, Unwin, 1892.
- The Brown Owl, as H Ford Hueffer, Unwin, 1892.
- The Queen Who Flew: A Fairy Tale, Bliss Sands & Foster, 1894.
- The Cinque Ports, Blackwood, 1900.
- The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story,Joseph Conrad e Ford M. Hueffer, Heinemann, 1901.
- Rossetti, Duckworth, [1902].
- Romance, Joseph Conrad e Ford M. Hueffer, Smith Elder, 1903.
- The Benefactor, Langham, 1905.
- The Soul of London,Alston Rivers, 1905.
- The Heart of the Country, Duckworth, 1906.
- The Fifth Queen (Parte 1 da trilogiaThe Fifth Queen), Alston Rivers, 1906.
- Privy Seal (Part 3 da trilogiaThe Fifth Queen), Alston Rivers, 1907.
- An English Girl, Methuen, 1907.
- The Fifth Queen Crowned (Part 3 da trilogiaThe Fifth Queen), Nash, 1908.
- Mr Apollo, Methuen, 1908.
- The Half Moon, Nash, 1909.
- A Call, Chatto, 1910.
- The Portrait, Methuen, 1910.
- The Critical Attitude, as Ford Madox Hueffer, Duckworth 1911.
- The Simple Life Limited, as Daniel Chaucer, Lane, 1911.
- Ladies Whose Bright Eyes, Constable, 1911 (revisto largamente em 1935).
- The Panel, Constable, 1912.
- The New Humpty Dumpty, as Daniel Chaucer, Lane, 1912.
- Henry James, Secker, 1913.
- Mr Fleight, Latimer, 1913.
- The Young Lovell, Chatto, 1913.
- Antwerp (poema de 8 páginas), The Poetry Bookshop, 1915.
- Henry James, A Critical Study (1915).
- Between St Dennis and St George, Hodder, 1915.
- The Good Soldier, Lane, 1915.
- Zeppelin Nights, comViolet Hunt, Lane, 1915.
- The Marsden Case, Duckworth, 1923.
- Women and Men, Paris, 1923.
- Mr Bosphorous, Duckworth, 1923.
- The Nature of a Crime, comJoseph Conrad, Duckworth, 1924.
- Joseph Conrad, A Personal Remembrance,Little, Brown and Company, 1924.
- Some Do Not . . ., Duckworth, 1924.
- No More Parades, Duckworth, 1925.
- A Man Could Stand Up --, Duckworth, 1926.
- New York is Not America, Duckworth, 1927.
- New York Essays, Rudge, 1927.
- New Poems, Rudge, 1927.
- Last Post, Duckworth, 1928.
- A Little Less Than Gods, Duckworth, [1928].
- No Enemy, Macaulay, 1929.
- The English Novel: From the Earliest Days to the Death of Joseph Conrad (One Hour Series), Lippincott, 1929.
- The English Novel, Constable, 1930.
- Return to Yesterday, Liveright, 1932.
- When the Wicked Man, Cape, 1932.
- The Rash Act, Cape, 1933.
- It Was the Nightingale, Lippincott, 1933.
- Henry for Hugh, Lippincott, 1934.
- Provence, Unwin, 1935.
- Ladies Whose Bright Eyes (revised version), 1935
- Portraits from Life: Memories and Criticism of Henry James, Joseph Conrad,Thomas Hardy, H.G.Wells, Stephen Crane, D.H.Lawrence, John Galsworthy, Ivan Turgenev, W.H. Hudson, Theodore Dreiser, A.C. Swinburne, Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, 1937
- Great Trade Route, OUP, 1937.
- Vive Le Roy, Unwin, 1937.
- The March of Literature, Dial, 1938.
- Selected Poems, Randall, 1971.
- Your Mirror to My Times, Holt, 1971.