Cecil Percival Taylor (Nova Iorque ,25 de março de1929 -Nova Iorque ,5 de abril de2018 ) foi umpianista de freejazz e poeta[ 1] norte-americano. Com formação clássica, Taylor é geralmente lembrado como um dos inventores dofree jazz . Sua música é caracterizada por uma abordagem extremamente enérgica, produzindo sons improvisados complexos, frequentemente envolvendoclusters e complexaspolirritmias . Sua técnica ao piano já foi comparada à percussão, descrita como "uma bateria afinada em 88 tons" (referindo ao número de teclas do piano).[ 2]
Morreu aos 89 anos em 5 de abril de 2018, emNova Iorque .[ 3]
Cecil Taylor, no Festival Mœrs 2008 Jazz Advance , 1956The Cecil Taylor Quartet at Newport , 1957Looking Ahead! , 1958Coltrane Time (identical withHard Driving Jazz ), 1958Love for Sale , 1959The World of Cecil Taylor , 1960Air , 1961Jumpin' Punkins , 1961New York City R&B (withBuell Neidlinger ), 1961Cell Walk for Celeste , 1961Mixed , 1961Nefertiti the Beautiful One Has Come , 1962Unit Structures , 1966Conquistador! , 1966Great Paris Concert , vol 1 & 2 (identical withStudent Studies ), 1966Praxis , 1968Communications , 1968 with Mike Mantler & Carla Bley's "JCOA: Jazz Composer's OrchestrA" (featuringDon Cherry ,Pharoah Sanders ,Larry Coryell andGato Barbieri .)The Great Concert (identical withNuits de la Fondation Maeght ), 1969Indent , 1973Akisakila , 1973Solo , 1973Spring of Two Blue J's , 1973Silent Tongues , 1974Dark to Themselves , 1976Air Above Mountains (Buildings Within) , 1976Nachricht vom Lande , 1976Cecil Taylor &Mary Lou Williams :Embraced , 1977 Cecil Taylor Unit , 19783 Phasis , 1978Live in the Black Forest , 1978One Two Many Salty Swift and Not Goodbye , 1978Tony Williams :Joy of Flying , 1978Cecil Taylor andMax Roach :Historic Concerts , 1979 Fly! Fly! Fly! , 1980Is it the Brewing Luminous , 1980Calling it the 8th , 1981Garden , 1981Winged Serpent , 1984Cecil Taylor Segments II / Orchestra of two Continents, 1984For Olim , 1986Olu Iwa , 1986Iwnontonwusi - Live at Sweet Basil , 1986Live in Bologna , 1987Live in Vienna , 1987Chinampas , 1987Tzotzil Mummers Tzotzil , 1987Erzulie Maketh Scent , 1988Pleistozaen mit Wasser , 1988Riobec - Cecil Taylor &Günter Sommer , 1988Leaf Palm Hand , 1988Spots, Circles, and Fantasy , 1988Regalia - Cecil Taylor &Paul Lovens , 1988Remembrance , 1988The Hearth , 1988Riobec , 1988Legba Crossing , 1988Alms / Tiergarten (Spree) , 1988In East Berlin , 1988In Florescence, 1989Looking (Berlin Version) solo , 1989Looking (Berlin Version) Corona , 1989Looking (The Feel Trio) , 1989Celebrated Blazons , 1990Doubly Holy House , 1990Melancholy - Cecil Taylor,Harri Sjöström , Evan Parker, Barry Guy, Wolfgang FuchsNailed , 1990The Tree of Life , 1991Always a Pleasure - Cecil Taylor,Harri Sjöström , Tristan Honsinger 1993The Light of Corona - Cecil Taylor,Harri Sjöström 1996Almeda - Cecil Taylor,Harri Sjöström 1996Qu'a: Live at the Iridium, vol. 1 & 2 - Cecil Taylor,Harri Sjöström 1998Algonquin , 1998Incarnation , 1999The Willisau Concert , 2000 Referências