


Ladybird (C64)

Ladybird (C64)

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awesome looking game! What engine did you use for it? Also, do you have ANY GoDot or GameMaker games?

Wonderful. I laughed out load: "It's god*mn Fire Ant!" That was one of my first favourite games for the C64.

I'll get this for sure. Would love a physical release, but it's sad that no disk versions are available anymore. I don't trust my Datassette, and cartridge releases are a bit too steep for small games like this. Well well.

Great game. I added it to my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from February 2025" video along with other recently released games. Hope you like the video.

Was ein tolles Action Adventure! Schön bunt und mit toller Musik untermalt. Meine absolute Empfehlung! 

Auf meinem YouTube Kanal habe ich es im Rahmen der C64 Spielzeit vorgestellt. Schaut doch mal vorbei:

Very nice game with great graphics and cute animations, even if the gameplay seems a little monotonous after a while. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:35:41. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

Here is our full Review: This is a very nice game with great graphics and cute animations, which looks a bit like a mixture of Dig Dug and Pac Man. The music and sound are also really good. Unfortunately, the gameplay is pretty monotonous in the long run, as it's ultimately just about collecting certain and sometimes difficult to recognize things in a given order in order to open the exit at the end. True to the motto: Crawl from point A to point B after you've searched the whole screen for the right order of items to pick up. In addition, the enemies are sometimes unfairly placed, so that you only have a few pixels or milliseconds to get past them, and that's already in the first level. There would definitely have been more potential here with some fine-tuning.

Great game,Done a video for my channel 

Great game! I really enjoyed making a longplay of it.

Thank you for this - here is a video for you !

Yes, it'an Eightees feel like game, but it's very addictive.

Plays and feels like a C64 game from the 80's. Absolutely brillant.
That hitbox for the fire on 2nd level absolutely nasty though.
Died there several times without really wanting to get roasted.

Maybe reduce that HB just 1 micron ?

Also love the music, as usual, top compositions from you guys.

Lovely game.
But P & Q keys mentioned in instructions does not seem to have any effect.

Sorry, this was a mistake in the instructions. I have now corrected this in both the instruction files in the download bundle.

The creators must have really loved Fireant on the Commodore Plus4. Let's say it's good, just like this version. Perfect.

Fun game - I hope there will be a sequel :)

 Great game, very enjoyable!

Is this both NTSC and PAL compatible?·View all by Psytronik Software·Report·Embed

