



Luka Brave - grad student studying therapeutic applications for gaming - he/they


an 8-page setting zine of industrial fantasy
a solo writing game that fits on a bookmark

solo journaling

a solo journaling game using tarot and your bookshelf to send spy messages
a solo journaling game that helps you fight anxiety
a weird west solo storytelling texas holdem hack
a solo writing game that fits on a bookmark
a solo narrating game of trying to wrangle your protagonist back into the narrative
write an ethnography of a haunted graveyard
write an ethnography of a magical jewish shtetl
solo journaling yahtzee hack ttrpg

solo or multiplayer

a fantasy city exploration photography & journaling game for 1+ players
a solo or multiplayer comedy TTRPG about turning old people gossip into high fantasy
a song driven writing game about the first sleepover of spring
a robot apocalypse survival game played through the tumblr bot takeover


a duet game of jaded guardians and magical children in need
a 2 player comedy interview game
a 2 player nature-driven ttrpg about the relationship between mother and child


an SRD for high octane one page oneshots
a weird roadtrip one page oneshot system
a competitive ttrpg for 2-5 mischievous critters
a spaghetti western one page oneshot system
a game of explosive small town drama
an eldritch noir one page oneshot system

system agnostic

a system-agnostic party bonding minigame
an 8-page setting zine of industrial fantasy

lyric games and zines

an autofiction lyric game about werewolves
three rituals to embody with your loved ones
a one word we are but worms hack
a queer weird west zine
a poetry zine about sobriety and care

d&d homebrew

a ghibli inspired homebrew pack for d&d 5e
a con-based half caster class for D&D 5e
a pokemon inspired creature collector class for d&d 5e
a chosen family protective martial class for D&D 5e
PTSD, cPTSD, and panic disorder mechanics for D&D 5e
non combat companions for disabled d&d 5e characters
mechanics for autism & adhd for d&d 5e
a sorcerer origin to ferry the dead for d&d 5e
a bard subclass for D&D 5e with shapechanging animal instruments
a wild magic artificer specialty for D&D 5e ·Community profile

