يوازې | په پيل کې | په مېنځ کې | په پای کې |
ا | اـ | ـاـ | ـا |
ā] interjection;demonstrative pronoun colloquial F هغه 1;يوه سړي آبل ته وويل چه ... one told the other that …;:;[ā] vocative particle oh;listen !آ هلکه، دلته ر اشه Hey;boy;come here! !آپلاره Papa! Father! 2 interjection ah;aha;:;[alíf] 1 the first letter of the Pashto alphabet 2 the number 1 in the "abjad" system 3 performs the following functions: 3.1 the accented suffix of nouns derived from verbs;e.g.;خوځېدا motion;ګډېدا dance;dancing 3.2 linking element in complex words. e.g.;کورا کور from house to house;مخامخ face to face 3.3 indicates the vocative;e.g.;!احمدا oh;Ahmed! 3.4 in verbs beginning with the phoneme "a" a separate part of the verb;in laconic sentences in the perfective aspect;e.g.;اچول، اخيستل;etc. کتاب دئ واخيست؟ هو، وامي خيست Did you take the book? / Yes;I did.;:;[official] abbreviation اخلاصمند;:;[u o] Eastern replaces the perfective aspect prefix;e.g.;ده اويل instead of ده وويل 'he said'