PrivacyMark System
About the PrivacyMark

PrivacyMark System is a system set up to assess private enterprises
that take appropriate measures to protect personal information.
Such private enterprises are granted the right to display "PrivacyMark" in the course of their business activities.
About the PrivacyMark Promotion Center
PrivacyMark Promotion Center of JIPDEC has been operating PrivacyMark Systemsince April 1998 for the purpose ofpromotion of personal information protection by private enterprises.
Privacy Mark system viewed by keywords
PrivacyMark Entities
Over 17,600 companies have been granted the PrivacyMark.
Target Companies
Only Japanese companies that handle personal information appropriately can be granted the PrivacyMark.
The PrivacyMark clearly indicates that your company handles personal information appropriately. As a result,
- Gaining social credibility.
- Expanding business opportunities.Our History
The PrivacyMark system has supported personal information protection in Japan for more than 25 years.
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