supported hosting platforms: currently onlyGitHubis supported, more to come in the future!
configuration: zero configuration setup -- nothing is needed beyond the.pre-commit-config.yaml
file you already have!
auto fixing pull requests: if tools make changes to files during a pullrequest, will automatically fix the pull request. will run on all pull request commits, but will not push forcommits made by bots.
speed: much faster than comparable, free CI systems
caching: tool caching is baked in and shared across all users. this meansthat the more users there are of, the more likely you will getfaster builds!
automatic updates: will periodicallyautoupdate yourconfiguration ensuring that your hook versions are kept up to date. thisautoupdate is currently scheduled weekly at approximately 16:00 UTC Monday.
here isan example autoupdate pull request.
re-running a pull request: you can trigger a re-run on a pull request run
(must appear on a line by itself).alternatively, one can attach run
label to the pull request.
skipping push runs: skip a run by putting[skip ci]
,[ci skip]
, or[ skip]
in the commit message. is configured in.pre-commit-config.yaml
in theci:
configuration is entirely optional and will assume the defaultsbelow.
(optional, default: | |
(optional, default: | |
(optional: default by default, will update the default branch of therepository. this configuration option and other autoupdate settings will beread from the | |
(optional, default: | |
(optional, default: | |
(optional, default: for example: ci:skip:[pylint]repos:-repo:localhooks:-id:pylint# ... this is equivalent to running | |
(optional, default: |
a full config with all the defaults:
ci:autofix_commit_msg:|[] auto fixes from hooksfor more information, see https://pre-commit.ciautofix_prs:trueautoupdate_branch:''autoupdate_commit_msg:'[]pre-commitautoupdate'autoupdate_schedule:weeklyskip:[]submodules:false also provides alite version which adds autofixing to GitHub actions. will always befree for open source repositories.
all paid plans also lite pro at no additional cost.
for private and organization repository support see theGitHub Marketplace.
for single-tenant or larger installations, contact[email protected].
if you'd like to support the development there are two ways to sponsor: