Delegates(may be incomplete!)
- At-Large:RayC. Bliss, Akron-JohnW. Bricker, Upper Arlington-ClarenceJ. Brown, Blanchester-KatharineKennedy Brown, Dayton-TedW. Brown, Columbus-CourtneyBurton, Gates Mills-RogerCloud, DeGraff-C.Stanley Mechem, Nelsonville-FlorenceG. Morris, Toledo-RobertTaft, Jr., Indian Hill
- 1st District:WillisD. Gradison, Cincinnati-Ben E.Tate, Indian Hill
- 2nd District:GeorgeF. Eyrich, Jr., Cincinnati-AlbertJ. Mayer, Jr., Wyoming
- 3rd District:MartinA. Coyle, Hamilton-HowardG. Young, Dayton
- 4th District:JohnE. Galvin, Lima-WilliamE. Heitzman, Piqua
- 5th District:GeorgeW. Brandow, Elmore-CareyG. Laub, Holgate
- 6th District:DavidL. Barrett, Chillicothe-JohnW. Sword, Piketon
- 7th District:MerrillH. Mellott, West Jefferson-HarryA. Metzger, Wilmington
- 8th District:RexW. Hanna, Kenton-WillardW. Wheatcraft, Galion
- 9th District:HermanR. Miller, Toledo-RobertA. Stranahan, Sr., Toledo
- 10th District:MaxineH. Charlton, Lancaster-E.E. Follrod, Pomeroy
- 11th District:MarianD. Blair, Warren-HenryD. Rand, Jr., Painesville
- 12th District:RichardP. Niehoff, Blacklick-WilliamSchneider, Columbus
- 13th District:DelbertH. Gilhousen, Norwalk-TonySzymanowski, Fremont
- 14th District:RiceA. Hershey, Akron-DonB. Malaney, Wadsworth
- 15th District:ThomasReese Lloyd, Cambridge-DaleF. Smith, Malta
- 16th District:EugeneCarr, Canton-LeoR. Kindsvatter, Wooster
- 17th District:ArthurS. Flemming, Delaware-WadeLogsdon, Millersburg
- 18th District:LethaC. Astry, Salem-RobertJ. Hocker, Steubenville
- 19th District:ThomasA. Beil, Youngstown-JamesG. Eardley, Sebring
- 20th District:JohnCrisafi, Parma-DaveR. Jones
- 21st District:PhilmoreJ. Haber, Cleveland-AugustusG. Parker, Cleveland
- 22nd District:FrancesP. Bolton, Lyndhurst-AlexanderL. DeMaioribus, Cleveland Heights
- 23rd District:SumnerCanary, Rocky River-WilliamE. Minshall, Jr., Rocky River
Alternates(may be incomplete!)
- At-Large:LilaBlack, Avon Lake-JohnMarshall Briley, Perrysburg-GayleFoster, Dayton-C.LeRoy Hacker, Springfield-JohnW. Kellogg, Cleveland-RichardO. Michael, Hamilton-MarthaC. Moore, Cambridge-DaleG. Schmidt, Cincinnati-IsadoreTopper, Bexley-WilliamR. Van Aken, Shaker Heights
- 1st District:HelenroseH. Kohnen, Cincinnati-WilliamH. Kreidler, Cincinnati
- 2nd District:DonaldH. Rolf, Reading-NormaSchoenling, Cincinnati
- 3rd District:JamesD. Herrman, Dayton-CharlesH. Murray, Middletown
- 4th District:M.Merle Harrod, Wapakoneta-Ray E.Webb, near Eaton
- 5th District:HarveyF. Benner, Bryan-R.F. Roof, Ottawa
- 6th District:DaisyE. Gillespie, New Holland-ArchR. Hicks, Jr., Ripley
- 7th District:LouiseA. Herrick, Lebanon-JamesC. McMillan, Fairborn
- 8th District:AndrewJoseph Buckley, Tiffin-RalphE. Carhart, Marion
- 9th District:JohnS. Andrews, Toledo-JaneM. Kuebbeler, Toledo
- 10th District:DanielJ. Doran, Lancaster-WilliamOliver Rowland, Athens
- 11th District:JamesW. Dinsmore, Chardon-S.L. Summers, Ravenna
- 12th District:JennievJ. Henson, Columbus-RaglanR. Reid, Columbus
- 13th District:AlbertS. Close, Sandusky-NormanF. Rau, near Huron
- 14th District:EdL. Garrigan, Akron-DorothyWickersham, Cuyahoga Falls
- 15th District:KennethM. Leighton, near Caldwell-DavidJ. Lewis, New Lexington
- 16th District:JohnBentia, Alliance-JohnB. Garver, Strasburg
- 17th District:JohnM. Ashbrook, Johnstown-FayMowery, Ashland
- 18th District:IsabelleK. Chaney, near Cadiz-TomRichards, Carrollton
- 19th District:PaulE. Stevens, Poland-StanleyV. Wilder, Niles
- 20th District:JohnP. Cavano, Cleveland-LouisHuebner, Cleveland
- 21st District:LillianW. Burke, Cleveland-CharlesJ. Kraven, Garfield Heights
- 22nd District:GertrudeS. Hornung, Cleveland Heights-SaulG. Stillman, Cleveland Heights
- 23rd District:EleanorBearden, Shaker Heights-MargaretA. Ireland, Shaker Heights
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