| Reed, Kasim — of Atlanta,FultonCounty, Ga.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia,2004;Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Georgia,2012(on behalf ofBarackObama andJosephR. Biden, Jr.).Still living as of 2012. | Reed, Kathaleen — of Sacramento,SacramentoCounty, Calif.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California,2004.Female.Still living as of 2004. | Reed, Kevin Christopher — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forMassachusetts,2024(on behalf ofChaseR. Oliver andMichaelter Maat).Still living as of 2024. | Reed, Kristopher — Becoming One Nation candidate for Presidential Elector for Louisiana,2020(on behalf ofJadeSimmons andClaudeliahJ. Roze).Still living as of 2020. | Reed, Kyndra — of Cameron,MilamCounty, Tex.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas,2008.Female.Still living as of 2008. | Reed, L. E. — of Datil,CatronCounty, N.M.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromNew Mexico,1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, L. J. — of Gilbert,MaricopaCounty, Ariz.Mayorof Gilbert, Ariz., 1981-87.Still living as of 1987. | Reed, L. M. — ofClayCounty, W.Va.Republican. Candidate forWestVirginia state house of delegates from Clay County, 1938.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, L. W. — of Galveston,GalvestonCounty, Tex.HonoraryConsul for Costa Rica inGalveston,Tex., 1926;HonoraryConsul for Guatemala inGalveston,Tex., 1931.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lawrence A. — of Grand Ledge,EatonCounty, Mich.Mayorof Grand Ledge, Mich., 1951-52.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lazarus H. —Chiefjustice of Utah territorial supreme court, 1852-53.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Leland S. — of New York. Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Fulton and Hamilton counties, 1941.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Leon — of Wellsboro,TiogaCounty, Pa.Burgessof Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, 1960.Still living as of 1960. | Reed, Leslie E. — U.S. Vice Consul inLondon, as of 1916-17; U.S. Consul inLondon, as of 1922;Bremen, as of 1926-29; U.S. Consul General inMontevideo, as of 1932-38;San Jose, as of 1943;Asuncion, as of 1947.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Leslie J. — of St. Clair,FranklinCounty, Mo.Democrat.Chair ofFranklin County Democratic Party, 1967.Still living as of 1967. | Reed, Lester C. — of Simi (now Simi Valley),VenturaCounty, Calif.Democrat. Postmaster atSimi,Calif., 1940-53 (acting, 1940).Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Levi —Massachusettsstate auditor, 1861-65; resigned 1865.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Levi J. — ofClayCounty, W.Va.Republican. Member ofWestVirginia state house of delegates from Clay County, 1929-30.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Levi M. — of Union,TollandCounty, Conn.Republican. Member ofConnecticutstate house of representatives from Union; elected 1904, 1918.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lewis — of Atlantic City,AtlanticCounty, N.J.Republican.Mayorof Atlantic City, N.J., 1858-61; postmaster atAtlanticCity, N.J., 1861-72.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lewis S. — ofDouglasCounty, Neb.Member ofNebraskastate house of representatives, 1871.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lewis S. (bornc.1880) —of Waterbury,New HavenCounty, Conn.Born in Brewster,PutnamCounty, N.Y., about 1880.Republican.Banker;member ofConnecticutstate senate 15th District, 1931.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lewis W. — of Beaver,BeaverCounty, Pa.Postmaster atBeaver,Pa., 1897-99.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Llewelyn M. — of Milford,New HavenCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Milford, 1948.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lloyd — of Clarksburg,HarrisonCounty, W.Va.Democrat. Postmaster atClarksburg,W.Va., 1885-90, 1895-97.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Lois — of Panora,GuthrieCounty, Iowa.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa,1968.Female.Still living as of 1968. | Reed, Lois — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1996.Female.Still living as of 1996. | Reed, Loren C. — Prohibition candidate forU.S.Representative from Ohio 13th District, 1908.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Loren H. — of Tolland,TollandCounty, Conn.Republican. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Tolland, 1910.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Louis B. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Candidate forNew Yorkstate senate 4th District, 1914.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Louis W. — of Breckenridge,CaldwellCounty, Mo.Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Missouri 3rd District, 1916.Burial location unknown. | Reed, LucasSeeJ.Lucas Reed | Reed, Luman — ofSchoharieCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Schoharie County 1st District, 1853.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Mabel — of Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.Communist. Candidate forPennsylvaniastate senate 1st District, 1932.Female.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Marion C. — of Midwest City,OklahomaCounty, Okla.Mayorof Midwest City, Okla., 1953-56, 1967.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Mark E. — of Shelton,MasonCounty, Wash.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention fromWashington,1920,1928.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Marshall — of Roxbury,OxfordCounty, Maine.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine,1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Marvin R. — of Princeton,MercerCounty, N.J.Mayorof Princeton, N.J., 1990-2003.Still living as of 2003. | Reed, Mary de Groat — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from New York County 8th District, 1954 (Liberal),1956 (Democratic).Female.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. | Reed, Mary Lou — of Coeur d'Alene,KootenaiCounty, Idaho.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Idaho,2000;Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Idaho,2020(on behalf ofJosephR. Biden, Jr. andKamalaD. Harris).Female.Still living as of 2020. | Reed, Maynard — ofOrleansCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Orleans County, 1932, 1933.Burial location unknown. | Reed, McKay — of Louisville,JeffersonCounty, Ky.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromKentucky,1932,1952.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Melissa — of Apex,WakeCounty, N.C.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from NorthCarolina,2008.Female.Still living as of 2008. | Reed, Michael D. — of Carlisle,CumberlandCounty, Pa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,2008.Still living as of 2008. | Reed, Milton (1848-1932) — of Fall River,BristolCounty, Mass.Born in Haverhill,EssexCounty, Mass.,October1, 1848.Lawyer;newspaperpublisher;mayorof Fall River, Mass., 1884.DiedSeptember18, 1932 (age83 years, 353days).Burial location unknown. | Reed, Morris A. — Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Missouri 4th District, 1882, 1908.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Murray — of Little Rock,PulaskiCounty, Ark.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromArkansas,1936,1944.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Myron — of Waupaca,WaupacaCounty, Wis.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin,1876.Burial location unknown. | Reed, N. F. — of Ottumwa,WapelloCounty, Iowa.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa,1912(member,Committeeto Notify Presidential Nominee),1920.Burial location unknown. | Reed, N. P. — of Pittsburgh,AlleghenyCounty, Pa.Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention fromPennsylvania,1884.Burial location unknown. | Reed, Nancy R. — of Lincoln,ProvidenceCounty, R.I.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from RhodeIsland,1996,2000.Female.Still living as of 2000. | Reed, Nathaniel C. — of Ohio.Justiceof Ohio state supreme court, 1842-49.Burial location unknown.
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