


Index to Politicians


O'Keefe, Francis X. (b.1933) —of Glens Falls,WarrenCounty, N.Y.Born in Cambridge,MiddlesexCounty, Mass.,January14, 1933.Democrat.Mayorof Glens Falls, N.Y., 1986-93.Member,AmericanLegion;Veterans ofForeign Wars;AncientOrder of Hibernians;Knightsof Columbus.Still living as of 1993.

OKEEFE:See alsoForrestHoward Anderson —JohnDaniel Crimmins —AnneO'Keefe Heffernan —PatriciaMcGowan WaldO'Keefe, Arthur B. — of West Haven,New HavenCounty, Conn.Democrat. Member ofConnecticutstate house of representatives from Orange; elected 1912;candidate forU.S.Representative from Connecticut 3rd District, 1918; delegate toDemocratic National Convention from Connecticut,1920,1924(alternate); member ofConnecticutDemocratic State Central Committee, 1922.Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Arthur B., Jr. — of Madison,New HavenCounty, Conn.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromConnecticut,1956(alternate),1960.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Arthur J. — of New Orleans,OrleansParish, La.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Louisiana,1924;mayorof New Orleans, La., 1926-29.Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Arthur Joseph, Jr. (b.1901) —also known asArthur J. O'Keefe — of New Orleans,OrleansParish, La.Born in New Orleans,OrleansParish, La.,September15, 1901.Democrat.Lawyer;member ofLouisianastate senate 6th District, 1948-50.Catholic.Member,Elks;Knightsof Columbus.Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Charles B. — of Midlothian,ChesterfieldCounty, Va.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromVirginia,1980.Still living as of 1980.O'Keefe, Cornelius — of Portsmouth,RockinghamCounty, N.H.Member ofNewHampshire state house of representatives, 1893.Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Cornelius — of Nogales,Santa CruzCounty, Ariz.U.S.Collector of Customs at Nogales, Ariz., Arizona, 1909.Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Daniel E. — of Poughkeepsie,DutchessCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1972.Still living as of 1972.O'Keefe, David — of New York,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly, 1852-53, 1855 (New York County 11th District1852-53, New York County 1st District 1855).Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Denis — ofKingsCounty, N.Y.Member ofNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 3rd District, 1869-70.Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Dennis J. — of Standish,ArenacCounty, Mich.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMichigan,1940;circuitjudge in Michigan 34th Circuit, 1960-67.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Donald P. — of Michigan. Republican. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Michigan 14th District, 1962.Still living as of 1962.O'Keefe, Donald W. — of East Grand Rapids,KentCounty, Mich.Mayorof East Grand Rapids, Mich., 1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.O'Keefe, Drew James Toland (b.1915) —also known asDrew J. T. O'Keefe — of Rosemont,MontgomeryCounty, Pa.Born in Philadelphia,PhiladelphiaCounty, Pa.,July 18,1915.Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II;lawyer;U.S.Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1961-69.Member,American BarAssociation;FederalBar Association.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof Thomas F. O'Keefe and Helen (Tobin) O'Keefe; married,August31, 1940, to Jane P. Waterbury.
 Presumably namedfor:FrancisXavier
 O'Keefe, George A. — ofWayneCounty, Mich.Member ofMichiganstate house of representatives from Wayne County, 1843.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, James — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromIllinois,1944.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, James — of Somerville,MiddlesexCounty, Mass.Green. Candidate forMassachusettsstate treasurer, 2002.Still living as of 2002. O'Keefe, James B. — of Brooklyn,KingsCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate forNew Yorkstate assembly from Kings County 1st District, 1915.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, James J. — of Boston,SuffolkCounty, Mass.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1936.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, James L. — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.; Skokie,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,1952,1956,1960(alternate),1964;candidate forIllinoisstate attorney general, 1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John — ofCookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Candidate forIllinoisstate senate 13th District, 1938.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John A. — Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Massachusetts 7th District, 1906.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John F.(1860-1936) —of Saginaw,SaginawCounty, Mich.Born in Wilson,NiagaraCounty, N.Y.,December28, 1860.Republican.Schoolprincipal;superintendentof schools;lawyer;SaginawCounty Prosecuting Attorney, 1901-04, 1918; Saginaw citycorporation counsel, 1905-12; delegate to Republican NationalConvention from Michigan,1932(alternate),1936(member,Committeeon Permanent Organization).Member,American BarAssociation;SigmaAlpha Epsilon;Freemasons.DiedOctober8, 1936 (age75 years, 285days).Burial location unknown.
 Relatives: Sonof Morris O'Keefe and Margaret (Roman) O'Keefe; married1894 to IdaCatherine Callam.
 O'Keefe, John J. — of New York. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York,1896.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John J. — of Southington,HartfordCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Southington, 1916, 1918.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John J. — of Manhattan,New YorkCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1920,1924.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John J. — U.S. Vice Consul inNogales, as of 1932;Buenaventura, as of 1938.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John Martin (b.1946) —Born in1946.Foreign Service officer; U.S. Ambassador toKyrgyzstan, 2000.Still living as of 2000.
 See alsoU.S. State Dept career summary
 O'Keefe, John P. — of Bethel,FairfieldCounty, Conn.Democrat. Candidate forConnecticutstate house of representatives from Bethel, 1932.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, John S. — of Pembina,PembinaCounty, N.Dak.Democrat.U.S.Collector of Customs at Pembina, N.Dak., North Dakota, 1941-51;Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for North Dakota,1956.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Kevin — of Chicago,CookCounty, Ill.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,2008.Still living as of 2008. O'Keefe, Kinchen — of Clarksdale,CoahomaCounty, Miss.Mayorof Clarksdale, Miss., 1952-53.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Kurt A. (bornc.1954) —of Michigan. Born about 1954. Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector forMichigan,1980(on behalf ofEdClark andDavidKoch).Still living as of 1980. O'Keefe, Mary — of Tewksbury,MiddlesexCounty, Mass.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromMassachusetts,1980.Female.Still living as of 1980. O'Keefe, Mathias J. — of Salem,EssexCounty, Mass.Mayorof Salem, Mass., 1915.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Michael — of New Orleans,OrleansParish, La.Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Louisiana,1968.Still living as of 1968. O'Keefe, Michael V. — Republican. Republican candidate for Presidential Elector forMassachusetts,2020(on behalf ofDonaldTrump andMikePence).Still living as of 2020. O'Keefe, Patrick H.(1870-1924) —of South St. Paul,DakotaCounty, Minn.Born in Welch,GoodhueCounty, Minn.,March15, 1870.Democrat.Schoolteacher;lawyer;delegate to Democratic National Convention from Minnesota,1912;member ofMinnesotastate house of representatives District 20, 1921-22.Died in1924(ageabout54 years).Burial location unknown.
 See alsoMinnesotaLegislator record
 O'Keefe, Raymond T. — of Illinois. Light Wines and Beer candidate forU.S.Senator from Illinois, 1926.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Richard B. — of Massachusetts. Democrat. Candidate forU.S.Representative from Massachusetts 6th District, 1946.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Richard D. (b.1855) —ofSanilacCounty, Mich.Born in1855.Republican. Member ofMichiganstate house of representatives from Sanilac County 2nd District,1885-90.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Richard N. — of Oneida,MadisonCounty, N.Y.Democrat. Candidate formayor ofOneida, N.Y., 1955.Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Stephen P. — ofInghamCounty, Mich.Libertarian. Candidate forMichiganstate house of representatives 59th District, 1980.Still living as of 1980. O'Keefe, T. J. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Nebraska,1904.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Thomas A. — of Drexel Hill,DelawareCounty, Pa.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromPennsylvania,1960.Still living as of 1960. O'Keefe, Thomas H. — of Oyster Bay,NassauCounty, Long Island, N.Y.Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention fromNew York,1912;member ofNew Yorkstate senate 1st District, 1913-14.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, W. H. — of Greeneville,GreeneCounty, Tenn.Democrat. Delegate to Gold Democrat National Convention fromTennessee, 1896.Burial location unknown. O'Keefe, Whitney — of Atlanta,FultonCounty, Ga.Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Georgia,1964.Still living as of 1964.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of apolitical graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
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