


by Nitrome
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Nitrome4.32,960 votes

Numbskull is a puzzle platform game made by Nitrome. Draw squares to rotate any block to the side. Your goal is to reunite the head of your skeleton to his body. Warm up your brain, this game is going to spook you !

How to play:

Controls are explained in-game

About the creator:

This game was created by Nitrome as a flash game, and later emulated in HTML5 by AwayFL for Poki. Play Nitrome's other flash games on Poki:Swindler 2,Avalanche,Cave Chaos 2,Enemy 585,Silly Sausage,Swindler,Coil,Cold Storage,Twin Shot 2,Bad Ice-Cream,Bad Ice-Cream 2,Bad Ice-Cream 3,Cave Chaos,Mutiny,Skywire,Twin Shot,Test Subject Green andTest Subject Blue

