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This is unreleased documentation for pnpmNext version.
For up-to-date documentation, see thelatest version (10.x).
Version: Next

Working with Git


You should always commit the lockfile (pnpm-lock.yaml). This is for amultitude of reasons, the primary of which being:

  • it enables faster installation for CI and production environments, due tobeing able to skip package resolution
  • it enforces consistent installations and resolution between development,testing, and production environments, meaning the packages used in testingand production will be exactly the same as when you developed your project

Merge conflicts

pnpm can automatically resolve merge conflicts inpnpm-lock.yaml.If you have conflicts, just runpnpm install and commit the changes.

Be warned, however. It is advised that you review the changes prior tostaging a commit, because we cannot guarantee that pnpm will choose the correcthead - it instead builds with the most updated of lockfiles, which is ideal inmost cases.

