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패키지의 매니페스트 파일입니다. 여기에는 의존성, 제목, 작성자 등을 포함한 모든 패키지의 메타데이터가 포함됩니다. 이것은 pnpm을 포함한 모든 주요 Node.js 패키지 관리자에서 유지되는 표준입니다.


소프트웨어가 작동하는 Node 및 pnpm의 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.


로컬 개발 중에 버전이engines 필드에 지정된 버전과 일치하지 않으면 pnpm은 항상 오류 메시지와 함께 실패합니다.

사용자가engine-strict 구성 플래그를 설정하지 않은 경우(.npmrc참조), 이 필드는 권고 사항일 뿐이며 패키지가 의존성으로 설치된 경우에만 경고를 생성합니다.


dependencies,optionalDependenciesdevDependencies 내부에 선언된 종속성을 위한 추가적인 메타 정보입니다.


If this is set totrue for a local dependency, the package will be hard linked to the virtual store (node_modules/.pnpm) and symlinked from the virtual store to the modules directory.

If this is set tofalse or not set for a local dependency, the package will be symlinked directly from its location in the workspace to the module directory.

For instance, the followingpackage.json in a workspace will create a symlink tobutton in thenode_modules directory ofcard:


But what ifbutton hasreact in its peer dependencies? If all projects in the monorepo use the same version ofreact, then no problem. But what ifbutton is required bycard that usesreact@16 andform withreact@17? Without usinginject, you'd have to choose a single version ofreact and install it as dev dependency ofbutton. But using theinjected field you can injectbutton to a package, andbutton will be installed with thereact version of that package.

So this will be thepackage.json ofcard:


button will be hard linked into the dependencies ofcard, andreact@16 will be symlinked to the dependencies ofcard/node_modules/button.

And this will be thepackage.json ofform:


button will be hard linked into the dependencies ofform, andreact@17 will be symlinked to the dependencies ofform/node_modules/button.

In contrast to normal dependencies, injected ones are not symlinked to the destination folder, so they are not updated automatically, e.g. after running the build script. To update the hard linked folder contents to the latest state of the dependency package folder, callpnpm i again.

Note that thebutton package must have any lifecycle script that runs on install in order forpnpm to detect the changes and update it. For example, the package can be rebuilt on install:"prepare": "pnpm run build". Any script would work, even a simple unrelated command without side effects, like this:"prepare": "pnpm root".


This field lists some extra information related to the dependencies listed in thepeerDependencies field.


If this is set to true, the selected peer dependency will be marked as optional by the package manager. Therefore, the consumer omitting it will no longer be reported as an error.



Note that even thoughbar was not specified inpeerDependencies, it is marked as optional. pnpm will therefore assume that any version of bar is fine. However,foo is optional, but only to the required version specification.


It is possible to override some fields in the manifest before the package is packed. The following fields may be overridden:

To override a field, add the publish version of the field topublishConfig.

For instance, the followingpackage.json:


Will be published as:



By default, for portability reasons, no files except those listed in the bin field will be marked as executable in the resulting package archive. TheexecutableFiles field lets you declare additional fields that must have the executable flag (+x) set even if they aren't directly accessible through the bin field.


You also can use the to customize the published subdirectory relative to the currentpackage.json.

It is expected to have a modified version of the current package in the specified directory (usually using third party build tools).

이 예시에서"dist" 폴더에는package.json이 포함되어야 합니다.



  • 기본값:true
  • 유형:Boolean

When set totrue, the project will be symlinked from location during local development.




This field allows you to instruct pnpm to override any dependency in the dependency graph. This is useful to enforce all your packages to use a single version of a dependency, backport a fix, or replace a dependency with a fork.

Note that the overrides field can only be set at the root of the project.

An example of the"pnpm"."overrides" field:


You may specify the package the overriden dependency belongs to by separating the package selector from the dependency selector with a ">", for exampleqar@1>zoo will only override thezoo dependency ofqar@1, not for any other dependencies.

An override may be defined as a reference to a direct dependency's spec. This is achieved by prefixing the name of the dependency with a$:


The referenced package does not need to match the overridden one:



ThepackageExtensions fields offer a way to extend the existing package definitions with additional information. For example, ifreact-redux should havereact-dom in itspeerDependencies but it has not, it is possible to patchreact-redux usingpackageExtensions:


The keys inpackageExtensions are package names or package names and semver ranges, so it is possible to patch only some versions of a package:


The following fields may be extended usingpackageExtensions:dependencies,optionalDependencies,peerDependencies, andpeerDependenciesMeta.

A bigger example:

"eslint":">= 6"

Together with Yarn, we maintain a database ofpackageExtensions to patch broken packages in the ecosystem. If you usepackageExtensions, consider sending a PR upstream and contributing your extension to the@yarnpkg/extensions database.



pnpm will not print warnings about missing peer dependencies from this list.

For instance, with the following configuration, pnpm will not print warnings if a dependency needsreact butreact is not installed:


Package name patterns may also be used:



Unmet peer dependency warnings will not be printed for peer dependencies of the specified range.

For instance, if you have some dependencies that needreact@16 but you know that they work fine withreact@17, then you may use the following configuration:


This will tell pnpm that any dependency that has react in its peer dependencies should allowreact v17 to be installed.

It is also possible to suppress the warnings only for peer dependencies of specific packages. For instance, with the following configurationreact v17 will be only allowed when it is in the peer dependencies of thebutton v2 package or in the dependencies of anycard package:



allowAny is an array of package name patterns, any peer dependency matching the pattern will be resolved from any version, regardless of the range specified inpeerDependencies. 예를 들어:


The above setting will mute any warnings about peer dependency version mismatches related to@babel/ packages oreslint.


This field allows to ignore the builds of specific dependencies. The "preinstall", "install", and "postinstall" scripts of the listed packages will not be executed during installation.

An example of the"pnpm"."neverBuiltDependencies" field:



A list of package names that are allowed to be executed during installation. If this field exists, only the listed packages will be able to run install scripts.




Added in: v8.9.0

This configuration option allows users to specify a JSON file that lists the only packages permitted to run installation scripts during the pnpm install process. By using this, you can enhance security or ensure that only specific dependencies execute scripts during installation.



The JSON file itself should contain an array of package names:



This setting allows muting deprecation warnings of specific packages.



With the above configuration pnpm will not print deprecation warnings about any version ofrequest and about v1 ofexpress.


This field is added/updated automatically when you runpnpm patch-commit. It is a dictionary where the key should be the package name and exact version. The value should be a relative path to a patch file.




Whentrue, installation won't fail if some of the patches from thepatchedDependencies field were not applied.




Sometimes you can't update a dependency. For instance, the latest version of the dependency started to use ESM but your project is not yet in ESM. Annoyingly, such a package will be always printed out by thepnpm outdated command and updated, when runningpnpm update --latest. However, you may list packages that you don't want to upgrade in theignoreDependencies field:


Patterns are also supported, so you may ignore any packages from a scope:@babel/*.



A list of CVE IDs that will be ignored by thepnpm audit command.



Scripts listed in this array will be required in each project of the workspace. Otherwise,pnpm -r run <script name> will fail.

"pnpm": {
"requiredScripts": ["build"]


Added in: v8.10.0

You can specify architectures for which you'd like to install optional dependencies, even if they don't match the architecture of the system running the install.

For example, the following configuration tells to install optional dependencies for Windows x64:


Whereas this configuration will install optional dependencies for Windows, macOS, and the architecture of the system currently running the install. It includes artifacts for both x64 and arm64 CPUs:


Additionally,supportedArchitectures also supports specifying thelibc of the system.


Functionally identical topnpm.overrides, this field is intended to make it easier to migrate from Yarn.

resolutions andpnpm.overrides get merged before package resolution (withpnpm.overrides taking precedence), which can be useful when you're migrating from Yarn and need to tweak a few packages just for pnpm.

