Version: 10.x
are ignored. Unlike pnpm, npmcan install the samename@version
multiple times and with different sets ofdependencies. npm's lockfile is designed to reflect the flatnode_modules
layout, however, as pnpm creates an isolated layout by default, it cannot respectnpm's lockfile format. Seepnpm import if you wish to convert a lockfile topnpm's format, though.- Binstubs (files in
) are always shell files, notsymlinks to JS files. The shell files are created to help pluggable CLI appsin finding their plugins in the unusualnode_modules
structure. This is veryrarely an issue and if you expect the file to be a JS file, reference theoriginal file directly instead, as described in#736.
これらの問題に対する回避策について、いい考えをお持ちでしょうか。Share them.