


これは pnpm9.xのドキュメントであり、現在アクティブにメンテナンスされていません。
最新のドキュメントについては、最新バージョン (10.x ) を参照してください。
Version: 9.x

Settings (.npmrc)

pnpm gets its configuration from the command line, environment variables, and.npmrc files.

Thepnpm config command can be used to update and edit the contents of theuser and global.npmrc files.


  • per-project configuration file (/path/to/my/project/.npmrc)
  • per-workspace configuration file (the directory that contains thepnpm-workspace.yaml file)
  • per-user configuration file (~/.npmrc)
  • global configuration file (/etc/npmrc)

All.npmrc files are anINI-formatted list ofkey = value parameters.

Values in the.npmrc files may contain env variables using the${NAME} syntax. また、 環境変数はデフォルト値と共に指定することもできます。 Using${NAME-fallback} will returnfallback ifNAME isn't set.${NAME:-fallback} will returnfallback ifNAME isn't set, or is an empty string.



  • Default:true
  • Type:boolean

Whentrue, all dependencies are hoisted tonode_modules/.pnpm/node_modules. This makesunlisted dependencies accessible to all packages insidenode_modules.


  • Default:true
  • Type:boolean

Whentrue, packages from the workspaces are symlinked to either<workspace_root>/node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules or to<workspace_root>/node_modules depending on other hoisting settings (hoist-pattern andpublic-hoist-pattern).


  • Default:['*']
  • Type:string[]

Tells pnpm which packages should be hoisted tonode_modules/.pnpm/node_modules. デフォルトでは、全てのパッケージが巻き上げられます。しかし、phantom dependency を持つ、扱いに困るパッケージの存在が分かっている場合には、このオプションにより、それらを除外して巻き上げることができます (推奨)。



You may also exclude patterns from hoisting using!.




  • Default:['*eslint*', '*prettier*']
  • Type:string[]

Unlikehoist-pattern, which hoists dependencies to a hidden modules directoryinside the virtual store,public-hoist-pattern hoists dependencies matchingthe pattern to the root modules directory. ルートのモジュールディレクトリへの巻き上げによって、アプリケーションのコードは phantom dependencies へアクセスできるようになります。たとえ依存関係の解決方法が不適切に変更されたとしてもアクセス可能です。




Note: Settingshamefully-hoist totrue is the same as settingpublic-hoist-pattern to*.

You may also exclude patterns from hoisting using!.




  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

By default, pnpm creates a semistrictnode_modules, meaning dependencies haveaccess to undeclared dependencies but modules outside ofnode_modules do not.エコシステム内のほとんどのパッケージは、この方法で問題なく動作します。However, if some tooling only works when the hoisted dependencies are in theroot ofnode_modules, you can set this totrue to hoist them for you.

node_modules に関する設定


  • Default:node_modules
  • Type:path

The directory in which dependencies will be installed (instead ofnode_modules).


  • Default:isolated
  • Type:isolated,hoisted,pnp

Node.js のパッケージをインストールするのに使用するリンカーを指定します。

  • isolated - dependencies are symlinked from a virtual store atnode_modules/.pnpm.
  • hoisted - a flatnode_modules without symlinks is created. Same as thenode_modules created by npm or Yarn Classic. この設定を使用すると、Yarnのライブラリーの 1 つが巻き上げに使用されます。 この設定を使用する合理的な理由は以下のとおりです:
    1. 使っているツールはシンボリックリンクではうまく機能しない。 A React Native project will most probably only work if you use a hoistednode_modules.
    2. プロジェクトがサーバーレスホスティングにデプロイされる。 一部のサーバーレスサービスの提供者 (AWS Lambdaなど) はシンボリックリンクをサポートしていません。 この問題を解決する代替策は、デプロイ前にアプリケーションをバンドルすることです。
    3. If you want to publish your package with"bundledDependencies".
    4. If you are running Node.js with the--preserve-symlinks flag.
  • pnp - nonode_modules. Plug'n'Play is an innovative strategy for Node that isused by Yarn Berry. It is recommended to also setsymlink setting tofalse when usingpnp asyour linker.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Whensymlink is set tofalse, pnpm creates a virtual store directory withoutany symlinks. It is a useful setting together withnode-linker=pnp.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Whenfalse, pnpm will not write any files to the modules directory(node_modules). この設定はユーザスペース上のファイルシステム (FUSE) にモジュールディレクトリがマウントされている場合に有用です。 There is an experimental CLI that allows you tomount a modules directory with FUSE:@pnpm/mount-modules.


  • Default:node_modules/.pnpm
  • Types:path

ストアにリンクするディレクトリを指定する。 すべてのプロジェクトの直接および間接的な依存はこのディレクトリへリンクされる。

Windows 上でのパスの長さ上限に関する問題を解決するのに役立ちます。 Ifyou have some dependencies with very long paths, you can select a virtual storein the root of your drive (for instanceC:\my-project-store).

Or you can set the virtual store to.pnpm and add it to.gitignore. 依存のディレクトリをひとつ上にすることで、スタックトレース上での表示がすっきりします。

NOTE: the virtual store cannot be shared between several projects. すべてのプロジェクトはそれぞれ固有の仮想ストアを持つ必要があります。 (ルートが共通のワークスペース内のプロジェクトは除く)


Added in: v9.1.0

  • Default:120
  • Types:number

Sets the maximum allowed length of directory names inside the virtual store directory (node_modules/.pnpm). You may set this to a lower number if you encounter long path issues on Windows.


  • Default:auto
  • Type:auto,hardlink,copy,clone,clone-or-copy

Controls the way packages are imported from the store (if you want to disable symlinks insidenode_modules, then you need to change thenode-linker setting, not this one).

  • auto - try to clone packages from the store. クローンがサポートされていない場合、ストアからパッケージをハードリンクします。 クローンもリンクもできない場合は、コピーします。
  • hardlink - hard link packages from the store
  • clone-or-copy - try to clone packages from the store. クローンがサポートされていない場合、コピーにフォールバックします。
  • copy - copy packages from the store
  • clone - clone (AKA copy-on-write or reference link) packages from the store

クローンはパッケージを node_modules に書き込む最良の方法です。 最速かつ最も安全です。 クローンを使用している場合、node_modules 内のファイルを編集可能です(編集しても中央ストア側のファイルは変更されません)。

残念ながら、すべてのファイル システムがクローン作成をサポートしているわけではありません。 pnpmで最高の経験をするためには、コピーオンライト (CoW) ファイルシステム (例えばLinuxでは Ext4 の代わりに Btrfs) を使用することをお勧めします。


  • Default:10080 (7 days in minutes)
  • Type:number

孤立したパッケージをnode_module ディレクトリから削除するまでの時間を分単位で指定します。pnpm はパッケージのキャッシュをnode_module ディレクトリに保持します。 これにより、ブランチを切り替えたり、依存のダウングレードを行う際のインストールのスピードを速くします。


  • Default:1440 (1 day in minutes)
  • Type:number

The time in minutes after which dlx cache expires.After executing a dlx command, pnpm keeps a cache that omits the installation step for subsequent calls to the same dlx command.

Store Settings


  • デフォルト:
    • If the$PNPM_HOME env variable is set, then$PNPM_HOME/store
    • If the$XDG_DATA_HOME env variable is set, then$XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm/store
    • On Windows:~/AppData/Local/pnpm/store
    • On macOS:~/Library/pnpm/store
    • On Linux:~/.local/share/pnpm/store
  • Type:path


ストアはインストールを行うのと同じディスク状にある必要があります。つまり、ディスクごとに一つのストアを持つことになります。 現在のディスクにホームディレクトリがある場合は、その中にストアが作成されます。 ディスク上にホームディレクトリがない場合は、ストアはファイルシステムのルートに作られます。 Forexample, if installation is happening on a filesystem mounted at/mnt,then the store will be created at/mnt/.pnpm-store. Windows システムでも同様です。

異なるディスク上のストアを指定することも可能ですが、その場合 pnpm はハードリンクをせずにパッケージをコピーします。これは、ハードリンクは同一のファイルシステム上でのみ使用可能なためです。


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

By default, if a file in the store has been modified, the content of this file is checked before linking it to a project'snode_modules. Ifverify-store-integrity is set tofalse, files in the content-addressable store will not be checked during installation.



Deprecated feature

  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Only allows installation with a store server. If no store server is running,installation will fail.


Added in: v9.4.0

  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Some registries allow the exact same content to be published under different package names and/or versions. This breaks the validity checks of packages in the store. To avoid errors when verifying the names and versions of such packages in the store, you may set thestrict-store-pkg-content-check setting tofalse.



  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

When set tofalse, pnpm won't read or generate apnpm-lock.yaml file.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

When set totrue and the availablepnpm-lock.yaml satisfies thepackage.json dependencies directive, a headless installation is performed. Aheadless installation skips all dependency resolution as it does not need tomodify the lockfile.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Add the full URL to the package's tarball to every entry inpnpm-lock.yaml.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When set totrue, the generated lockfile name after installation will be namedbased on the current branch name to completely avoid merge conflicts. For example,if the current branch name isfeature-foo, the corresponding lockfile name willbepnpm-lock.feature-foo.yaml instead ofpnpm-lock.yaml. It is typically usedin conjunction with the command line argument--merge-git-branch-lockfiles or bysettingmerge-git-branch-lockfiles-branch-pattern in the.npmrc file.


  • Default:null
  • Type:Array or null

This configuration matches the current branch name to determine whether to mergeall git branch lockfile files. By default, you need to manually pass the--merge-git-branch-lockfiles command line parameter. This configuration allowsthis process to be automatically completed.



You may also exclude patterns using!.


Added in: v9.3.0

  • Default:1000
  • Type:number

Max length of the peer IDs suffix added to dependency keys in the lockfile. If the suffix is longer, it is replaced with a hash.

Registry & Authentication Settings


The base URL of the npm package registry (trailing slash included).


The npm registry that should be used for packages of the specified scope. Forexample, setting@babel:registry= enforce that when you usepnpm add @babel/core, or any@babel scopedpackage, the package will be fetched from of the default registry.


Define the authentication bearer token to use when accessing the specifiedregistry. 例:


You may also use an environment variable. 例:


Or you may just use an environment variable directly, without changing.npmrc at all:



A token helper is an executable which outputs an auth token. This can be used in situations where the authToken is not a constant value but is something that refreshes regularly, where a script or other tool can use an existing refresh token to obtain a new access token.

The configuration for the path to the helper must be an absolute path, with no arguments. In order to be secure, it is only permitted to set this value in the user.npmrc. Otherwise a project could place a value in a project's local.npmrc and run arbitrary executables.

Setting a token helper for the default registry:


Setting a token helper for the specified registry:




  • Default:The npm CA certificate
  • Type:String, Array or null

レジストリへのSSL接続をするのに信用する署名用CA証明書を指定します。 値は PEM フォーマット (Base64エンコードされた X.509 (.CER)) で指定します。 例:


Null に設定すると、既知の登録者のみを許可できます。もしくは、特定の CA 証明書の署名のみを信頼するように設定できます。

証明書の配列を指定することで、複数の信頼する CA を指定することもできます。


See also thestrict-ssl config.


  • Default:null
  • Type:path

ひとつ、もしくは複数のCA 署名用証明書を持つファイルへのパスを指定します。 Similar to theca setting, but allows for multiple CAs, as wellas for the CA information to be stored in a file instead of being specified viaCLI.


Define the path to a Certificate Authority file to use when accessing the specifiedregistry. 例:



  • Default:null
  • Type:String

レジストリにアクセスするときに渡すクライアント証明書。 値は PEM フォーマット (Base64エンコードされた X.509 (.CER)) で指定します。 例:


It is not the path to a certificate file.


Define the path to a certificate file to use when accessing the specifiedregistry. 例:



  • Default:null
  • Type:String

レジストリにアクセスするときに渡すクライアントキー。 値は PEM フォーマット (Base64エンコードされた X.509 (.CER)) で指定します。 例:

key="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXXX\nXXXX\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

It is not the path to a key file (and there is nokeyfile option).

この設定には機密情報が含まれています。 Don't write it to a local.npmrc file committed to the repository.


Define the path to a client key file to use when accessing the specifiedregistry. 例:



  • Default:['', '', '', '', '']
  • Type:string[]

Git リポジトリである依存関係を取得する際、この設定でホストがリストアップされている場合、pnpm は浅いクローン(シャロークローン) を用いて、すべての履歴ではなく、必要なコミットのみを取得するようにします。


  • Default:null
  • Type:url

送信する HTTPS リクエストに使用するプロキシ。 If theHTTPS_PROXY,https_proxy,HTTP_PROXY orhttp_proxy environment variables are set, their values will beused instead.

If your proxy URL contains a username and password, make sure to URL-encode them.例:


Do not encode the colon (:) between the username and password.



  • Default:null
  • Type:url

送信する HTTP リクエストに使用するプロキシ。 HTTP_PROXY または http_proxy 環境変数が設定されている場合、プロキシー設定は、内部のリクエストライブラリーに受け渡されます。


  • Default:undefined
  • Type:IP Address

npm レジストリへの接続を行うときに使用するローカルインターフェイスのIPアドレス。


  • Default:network-concurrency x 3
  • Type:Number

origin (protocol/host/port の組み合わせ) ごとに使用する最大接続数です。


  • Default:null
  • Type:String

プロキシーを使わない TLD をコンマ区切りの文字列で指定します。


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

HTTPS 経由でレジストリにリクエストを送る際にSSL鍵の検証を行うかどうかを指定します。

See also theca option.


  • Default:16
  • Type:Number

同時に処理する HTTP(S) のリクエストの最大数を制御します。


  • Default:2
  • Type:Number

pnpm がレジストリからの取得に失敗した際に何回リトライするかを指定する。


  • Default:10
  • Type:Number

再試行間隔の指数関数バックオフ (Exponential Backoff) に使用する係数。


  • Default:10000 (10 seconds)
  • Type:Number

リクエストをリトライする際の最小(最初) のタイムアウト。


  • Default:60000 (1 minute)
  • Type:Number

リクエストが長時間リトライされないということがないようにするためのフォールバック用の最大タイムアウト。(訳注: fetch-retry-factor のExponential Backoffによってリトライ間隔は徐々に長くなっていくため、その上限を設ける設定)


  • Default:60000 (1 minute)
  • Type:Number

HTTP リクエストが完了するまでに待つ最大の時間。

Peer Dependency Settings


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Whentrue, any missing non-optional peer dependencies are automatically installed.

Version Conflicts

If there are conflicting version requirements for a peer dependency from different packages, pnpm will not install any version of the conflicting peer dependency automatically. Instead, a warning is printed. For example, if one dependency requiresreact@^16.0.0 and another requiresreact@^17.0.0, these requirements conflict, and no automatic installation will occur.

Conflict Resolution

In case of a version conflict, you'll need to evaluate which version of the peer dependency to install yourself, or update the dependencies to align their peer dependency requirements.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

When this setting is set totrue, packages with peer dependencies will be deduplicated after peers resolution.

For instance, let's say we have a workspace with two projects and both of them havewebpack in their dependencies.webpack hasesbuild in its optional peer dependencies, and one of the projects hasesbuild in its dependencies. In this case, pnpm will link two instances ofwebpack to thenode_modules/.pnpm directory: one withesbuild and another one without it:

webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack

This makes sense becausewebpack is used in two projects, and one of the projects doesn't haveesbuild, so the two projects cannot share the same instance ofwebpack. However, this is not what most developers expect, especially since in a hoistednode_modules, there would only be one instance ofwebpack. Therefore, you may now use thededupe-peer-dependents setting to deduplicatewebpack when it has no conflicting peer dependencies (explanation at the end). In this case, if we setdedupe-peer-dependents totrue, both projects will use the samewebpack instance, which is the one that hasesbuild resolved:

webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack

What are conflicting peer dependencies? By conflicting peer dependencies we mean a scenario like the following one:

webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
react (v17)
webpack -> ../../node_modules/.pnpm/webpack@1.0.0_esbuild@1.0.0/node_modules/webpack
react (v16)

In this case, we cannot dedupewebpack aswebpack hasreact in its peer dependencies andreact is resolved from two different versions in the context of the two projects.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

このオプションを有効にすると、依存関係ツリーに欠落していたり無効な peer dependency が存在すると、コマンドが失敗するようになります。


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

有効にすると、ワークスペース内のプロジェクトのpeer dependenciesを解決に、ルートワークスペースプロジェクトの依存関係を使用するようになります。peer dependencies をワークスペースのルートにのみインストールでき、ワークスペース内のすべてのプロジェクトが同じバージョンのpeer dependencies を使用していることを確実にできるため、これは便利な機能です。

CLI 設定


  • Default:auto
  • Type:auto,always,never


  • auto - output uses colors when the standard output is a terminal or TTY.
  • always - ignore the difference between terminals and pipes. You’ll rarelywant this; in most scenarios, if you want color codes in your redirectedoutput, you can instead pass a--color flag to the pnpm command to force itto use color codes. ほとんどの場合デフォルトの設定があなたの求めているものでしょう。
  • never - turns off colors. This is the setting used by--no-color.


  • Default:info
  • Type:debug,info,warn,error

Any logs at or higher than the given level will be shown.You can instead pass--silent to turn off all output logs.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Experimental option that enables beta features of the CLI. This means that youmay get some changes to the CLI functionality that are breaking changes, orpotentially bugs.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

If this is enabled, the primary behaviour ofpnpm install becomes that ofpnpm install -r, meaning the install is performed on all workspace orsubdirectory packages.

Else,pnpm install will exclusively build the package in the currentdirectory.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

If this is enabled, pnpm will not install any package that claims to not becompatible with the current Node version.

Regardless of this configuration, installation will always fail if a project(not a dependency) specifies an incompatible version in itsengines field.


  • Type:path

The location of the npm binary that pnpm uses for some actions, like publishing.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

If this setting is disabled, pnpm will not fail if a different package manager is specified in thepackageManager field ofpackage.json. When enabled, only the package name is checked (since pnpm v9.2.0), so you can still run any version of pnpm regardless of the version specified in thepackageManager field.

Alternatively, you can disable this setting by setting theCOREPACK_ENABLE_STRICT environment variable to0.


Added in: v9.2.0

  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When enabled, pnpm will fail if its version doesn't exactly match the version specified in thepackageManager field ofpackage.json.


Added in: v9.7.0

  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When enabled, pnpm will automatically download and run the version of pnpm specified in thepackageManager field ofpackage.json. This is the same field used by Corepack. 例:




  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Do not execute any scripts defined in the projectpackage.json and itsdependencies.


This flag does not prevent the execution of.pnpmfile.cjs


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Do not execute any scripts of the installed packages. Scripts of the projects are executed.


  • Default:5
  • Type:Number

The maximum number of child processes to allocate simultaneously to buildnode_modules.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Use and cache the results of (pre/post)install hooks.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Only use the side effects cache if present, do not create it for new packages.


  • Default:false IF running as root, ELSEtrue
  • Type:Boolean

Set to true to enable UID/GID switching when running package scripts.If set explicitly to false, then installing as a non-root user will fail.


  • Default:NULL
  • Type:String

Options to pass through to Node.js via theNODE_OPTIONS environment variable. This does not impact how pnpm itself is executed but it does impact how lifecycle scripts are called.

Node.js Settings


  • Default:undefined
  • Type:semver

Specifies which exact Node.js version should be used for the project's runtime.pnpm will automatically install the specified version of Node.js and use it forrunningpnpm run commands or thepnpm node command.

This may be used instead of.nvmrc andnvm. Instead of the following.nvmrc file:


Use this.npmrc file:


This setting works only in a.npmrc file that is in the root of your workspace. If you need to specify a custom Node.js for a project in the workspace, use thepnpm.executionEnv.nodeVersion field ofpackage.json instead.


  • Default: the value returned bynode -v, without the v prefix
  • Type:semver

The Node.js version to use when checking a package'sengines setting.

If you want to prevent contributors of your project from adding new incompatible dependencies, usenode-version andengine-strict in a.npmrc file at the root of the project:


This way, even if someone is using Node.js v16, they will not be able to install a new dependency that doesn't support Node.js v12.22.0.


  • Default:<releaseDir>/
  • Type:URL

Sets the base URL for downloading Node.js. The<releaseDir> portion of this setting can be any directory from,rc,nightly,v8-canary, etc.

Here is how pnpm may be configured to download Node.js from Node.js mirror in China:




  • Default:false
  • Type:true,false,deep

If this is enabled, locally available packages are linked tonode_modulesinstead of being downloaded from the registry. This is very convenient in amonorepo. If you need local packages to also be linked to subdependencies, youcan use thedeep setting.

Else, packages are downloaded and installed from the registry. However,workspace packages can still be linked by using theworkspace: range protocol.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

If this is enabled, local packages from the workspace are preferred overpackages from the registry, even if there is a newer version of the package inthe registry.

This setting is only useful if the workspace doesn't usesave-workspace-protocol.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

If this is enabled, pnpm creates a singlepnpm-lock.yaml file in the root ofthe workspace. This also means that all dependencies of workspace packages willbe in a singlenode_modules (and get symlinked to their packagenode_modulesfolder for Node's module resolution).

Advantages of this option:

  • every dependency is a singleton
  • faster installations in a monorepo
  • fewer changes in code reviews as they are all in one file

Even though all the dependencies will be hard linked into the rootnode_modules, packages will have access only to those dependenciesthat are declared in theirpackage.json, so pnpm's strictness is preserved.This is a result of the aforementioned symbolic linking.


  • Default:rolling
  • Type:true,false,rolling

This setting controls how dependencies that are linked from the workspace are added topackage.json.

Iffoo@1.0.0 is in the workspace and you runpnpm add foo in another project of the workspace, below is howfoo will be added to the dependencies field. Thesave-prefix setting also influences how the spec is created.



  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When executing commands recursively in a workspace, execute them on the root workspace project as well.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When set totrue, no workspace cycle warnings will be printed.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When set totrue, installation will fail if the workspace has cycles.



  • Default:'^'
  • Type:'^','~',''

Configure how versions of packages installed to apackage.json file getprefixed.

For example, if a package has version1.2.3, by default its version is set to^1.2.3 which allows minor upgrades for that package, but afterpnpm config set save-prefix='~' it would be set to~1.2.3 which only allowspatch upgrades.

This setting is ignored when the added package has a range specified. Forinstance,pnpm add foo@2 will set the version offoo inpackage.json to2, regardless of the value ofsave-prefix.


  • Default:latest
  • Type:String

If youpnpm add a package and you don't provide a specific version, then itwill install the package at the version registered under the tag from thissetting.

This also sets the tag that is added to thepackage@version specified by thepnpm tag command if no explicit tag is given.


  • デフォルト:
    • If the$XDG_DATA_HOME env variable is set, then$XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm/global
    • On Windows:~/AppData/Local/pnpm/global
    • On macOS:~/Library/pnpm/global
    • On Linux:~/.local/share/pnpm/global
  • Type:path

Specify a custom directory to store global packages.


  • デフォルト:
    • If the$XDG_DATA_HOME env variable is set, then$XDG_DATA_HOME/pnpm
    • On Windows:~/AppData/Local/pnpm
    • On macOS:~/Library/pnpm
    • On Linux:~/.local/share/pnpm
  • Type:path

Allows to set the target directory for the bin files of globally installed packages.


  • デフォルト:
    • If the$XDG_STATE_HOME env variable is set, then$XDG_STATE_HOME/pnpm
    • On Windows:~/AppData/Local/pnpm-state
    • On macOS:~/.pnpm-state
    • On Linux:~/.local/state/pnpm
  • Type:path

The directory where pnpm creates thepnpm-state.json file that is currently used only by the update checker.


  • デフォルト:
    • If the$XDG_CACHE_HOME env variable is set, then$XDG_CACHE_HOME/pnpm
    • On Windows:~/AppData/Local/pnpm-cache
    • On macOS:~/Library/Caches/pnpm
    • On Linux:~/.cache/pnpm
  • Type:path

The location of the cache (package metadata and dlx).


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When true, all the output is written to stderr.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Set tofalse to suppress the update notification when using an older version of pnpm than the latest.


  • Default:true, whennode-linker is set tohoisted and the system is POSIX
  • Type:Boolean

Create symlinks to executables innode_modules/.bin instead of command shims. This setting is ignored on Windows, where only command shims work.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

During installation the dependencies of some packages are automatically patched. If you want to disable this, set this config tofalse.

The patches are applied from Yarn's@yarnpkg/extensions package.


  • Default:highest (waslowest-direct from v8.0.0 to v8.6.12)
  • Type:highest,time-based,lowest-direct

Whenresolution-mode is set totime-based, dependencies will be resolved the following way:

  1. 直接の依存関係は、最も低いバージョンに解決されます。 So if there isfoo@^1.1.0 in the dependencies, then1.1.0 will be installed.
  2. 従属依存関係 (訳注: 依存関係の依存関係) は、最後の直接の依存関係がパブリッシュされる前にパブリッシュされたバージョンから解決されます。

With this resolution mode installations with warm cache are faster. It also reduces the chance of subdependency hijacking as subdependencies will be updated only if direct dependencies are updated.

This resolution mode works only with npm'sfull metadata. So it is slower in some scenarios. However, if you useVerdaccio v5.15.1 or newer, you may set theregistry-supports-time-field setting totrue, and it will be really fast.

Whenresolution-mode is set tolowest-direct, direct dependencies will be resolved to their lowest versions.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

Set this totrue if the registry that you are using returns the "time" field in the abbreviated metadata. As of now, onlyVerdaccio from v5.15.1 supports this.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

Whenfalse, theNODE_PATH environment variable is not set in the command shims.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When deploying a package or installing a local package, all files of the package are copied. By default, if the package has a"files" field in thepackage.json, then only the listed files and directories are copied.


  • Default:false
  • Type:Boolean

When set totrue, dependencies that are already symlinked to the rootnode_modules directory of the workspace will not be symlinked to subprojectnode_modules directories.


  • Default:true
  • Type:Boolean

When this setting is enabled,dependencies that are injected will be symlinked from the workspace whenever possible. If the dependent project and the injected dependency reference the same peer dependencies, then it is not necessary to physically copy the injected dependency into the dependent'snode_modules; a symlink is sufficient.

