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Ceci est la documentation de pnpm9.x, qui n'est plus activement maintenue.
Pour une documentation à jour, consultez ladernière version (10.x).
Version : 9.x

Codes d'erreur


Un répertoire de modules est présent et est lié à un autre répertoire de magasins.

If you changed the store directory intentionally, runpnpm install and pnpm will reinstall the dependencies using the new store.


Un projet a une dépendance d'espace de travail qui n'existe pas dans l'espace de travail.

For instance, packagefoo hasbar@1.0.0 in thedependencies:


However, there is onlybar@2.0.0 in the workspace, sopnpm install will fail.

To fix this error, all dependencies that use theworkspace protocol should be updated to use versions of packages that are present in the workspace. This can be done either manually or using thepnpm -r update command.


pnpm install will fail if the project has unresolved peer dependencies or the peer dependencies are not matching the wanted ranges. Pour résoudre ce problème, installez les dépendances homologues manquantes.

You may also selectively ignore these errors using thepnpm.peerDependencyRules.ignoreMissing andpnpm.peerDependencyRules.allowedVersions fields inpackage.json.


Cette erreur se produit lorsqu'une installation ne peut être effectuée sans modification du lockfile. This might happen in a CI environment if someone has changed apackage.json file in the repository without runningpnpm install afterwards. Elle peut aussi se produire si quelqu'un a oublié de commit les modifications apportées au lockfile.

To fix this error, just runpnpm install and commit the changes to the lockfile.


This error indicates that the downloaded package's tarball did not match the expected integrity checksum.

If you use the npm registry (, then this probably means that the integrity in your lockfile is incorrect.This might happen if a lockfile had badly resolved merge conflicts.

If you use a registry that allows to override existing versions of a package, then it might mean that in your local metadata cache you have the integrity checksum of an older version of the package. In this case, you should runpnpm store prune. This command will remove your local metadata cache. Then you can retry the command that failed.

But also be careful and verify that the package is downloaded from the right URL. The URL should be printed in the error message.


The config fielduse-node-version defines a release channel different from version suffix.

Par exemple:

  • rc/20.0.0 defines anrc channel but the version is that of a stable release.
  • release/20.0.0-rc.0 defines arelease channel but the version is that of an RC release.

To fix this error, either remove the release channel prefix or correct the version suffix.

Note that it is not allowed to specify node versions likelts/Jod.The correct syntax for stable release is strictly X.Y.Z or release/X.Y.Z.


The value of config fielduse-node-version has an invalid syntax.

Below are the valid forms ofuse-node-version:

  • Stable release:
    • X.Y.Z (X,Y,Z are integers)
    • release/X.Y.Z (X,Y,Z are integers)
  • RC release:
    • X.Y.Z-rc.W (X,Y,Z,W are integers)
    • rc/X.Y.Z-rc.W (X,Y,Z,W are integers)

