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Version: 10.x


Los alias te permiten instalar paquetes con nombres personalizados.

Let's assume you uselodash all over your project. There is a bug inlodashthat breaks your project. You have a fix butlodash won't merge it. Normallyyou would either installlodash from your fork directly (as a git-hosteddependency) or publish it with a different name. If you use the second solutionyou have to replace all the requires in your project with the new dependencyname (require('lodash') =>require('awesome-lodash')). Con los alias tienes una tercera opción.

Publish a new package calledawesome-lodash and install it usinglodash asits alias:

pnpm add lodash@npm:awesome-lodash

No son necesarios cambios en el código. All the requires oflodash will now resolve toawesome-lodash.

A veces querrás usar diferentes versiones de un paquete en tu proyecto. Fácil:

pnpm add lodash1@npm:lodash@1
pnpm add lodash2@npm:lodash@2

Now you can require the first version of lodash viarequire('lodash1') and thesecond viarequire('lodash2').

Eso se vuelve más útil cuando es combinado con los hooks. Maybe you want to replacelodash withawesome-lodash in all the packages innode_modules. You caneasily achieve that with the following.pnpmfile.cjs:

if(pkg.dependencies&& pkg.dependencies.lodash){
return pkg


