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The Wall

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The Wall a l'é 'l disch ch' a fa undes ëd la band britànica 'd progressive rockPink Floyd.A l'é stàit tirà fòra ël 30 ëd novèmber 1979 dla Harvest/Emi an Europa e dla Columbia/Sony ant ël rest dël mond.The Wall a l'é l'ultim disch con la banda completa, poch temp apress Richard Wright a chita la banda an restand màch durant ij concert.

Disch 1
Fassa A
  1. "In the Flesh?" – 3:19
  2. "The Thin Ice" – 2:28
  3. "Another Brick in the Wall Part 1" – 3:10
  4. "The Happiest Days of Our Lives" – 1:50
  5. "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2" – 3:59
  6. "Mother" – 5:32
Fassa B
  1. "Goodbye Blue Sky" – 2:48
  2. "Empty Spaces" – 2:07
  3. "Young Lust" – 3:31 (Roger Waters, David Gilmour)
  4. "One of My Turns" – 3:36
  5. "Don't Leave Me Now" – 4:16
  6. "Another Brick in the Wall Part 3" – 1:14
  7. "Goodbye Cruel World" – 1:14
Disch 2
Fassa A
  1. "Hey You" – 4:41
  2. "Is There Anybody Out There?" – 2:40
  3. "Nobody Home" – 3:25
  4. "Vera" – 1:33
  5. "Bring the Boys Back Home" – 0:50
  6. "Comfortably Numb" – 6:49 (David Gilmour, Roger Waters)
Fassa B
  1. "The Show Must Go On" – 1:36
  2. "In the Flesh" – 4:16
  3. "Run Like Hell" – 4:22 (David Gilmour, Roger Waters)
  4. "Waiting for the Worms" – 3:58
  5. "Stop" – 0:30
  6. "The Trial" – 5:19 (Roger Waters, Bob Ezrin)
  7. "Outside the Wall" – 1:42
  • Roger Waters: Bass, vos
  • David Gilmour: Chitara solista, vos
  • Richard Wright: Òrgo, tastera
  • Nick Mason: Percussion
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