


+919333544737/ +919831233124/ +913566299115
Latest Updates ||NOTICE ||Notice ||NOTICE ||NOTICE ||notice ||Sports Notice ||Notice ||Notice ||Notice ||Notice ||NOTICE ||NOTICE ||exam Schedule2024-25 ||NOTICE ||Additional dates ||Registration nub 1st sem 2024-25 ||Final Registration data check list ||Notice ||Notice ||EXAM NOTIFICATION FORM FILL UP ||3rd Semester STUDENT’S ID ||Notice ||Re-Open Admission Portal ||STUDENTS ID ||UG_ADMISSION_SCHEDULE_2024_25_SESSION ||ROOM WISE ROUTINE ||Rakhi Bandhan Utsav ||Notice ||Independence day ||Class Routine ||National Scholarship ||Orientation Program for Semester I Students ||Commencement of Classes Sem- I and new class routine for sem III & V ||MDC verification schedule ||Physical verification ||Physical verification schedule (1st Semester, FYUGP)2024-25 ||Commencement of classes ||additional date ||ABC ID ||Exam Form Fillup additional date ||Celebration of 10th Foundation year of the College ||Notification for feeling in the examination forms ||Notification for Reassessment Results ||Notification for feeling in the examination forms ||2nd sem internal assessment ||4th sem internal assessment ||6th sem internal assessment ||ABC ID NOTICE ||English Department student seminar ||Internal Assessment Schedule ||Holiday ||Seminar ||Seminar Career Counselling Program ||May Day ||Plantation and campus Beautification ||Add on Courses ||Holiday Notice ||Registration Certificate Notice 1st Semester 2023-24 ||Holiday ||YOGA EDUCATION AND FITNESS ||Reassessment Date Extendad ||PPR & PPS DATE EXTENTION ||Quotation for purchase of Book ||Organisation of Seminar by the Departments within March, 2024 ||Shivaratri holiday ||ABC id Notice ||Formation of Alumni Association of pkm Mahavidyalaya ||Seminar on Carrier Guidance ||Attendance required Notice ||International Mother Language Day ||Saraswati Puja ||General Notice ||verification date ||NEW ADMISSION FOR 2023-2024 ||geography practical exam ||1st sem exam ||1st sem form fill up ||3rd and 5th sem exam notice ||notice ||3rd & 5th sem admission ||re- open admission portal ||1st semester verification notice ||New Admission notice 2022-23 ||Exam routine old (I+I+I) PART II & PART III ||INTERNAL EXAM SEHEDULE ||exam sehedule 6th sem ||exam sehedule 4th sem ||exam sehedule 2nd SEM ||EXAM NOTIFICATION ||EXAM FORM FILL UP ||SUMMER RECESS ||FINAL ROUTINE 2021- 22 ||2pm 3rd sem ||2 pm 3rd sem ||10 am 5th sem ||17 Feb QUESTION PAPER ||Exam sehedule ||1ST 3RD & 5TH SEM INTERNAL EXAM DATE ||EXAMINATION SEHEDULE 1st, 3rd & 5th SEMESTER ||EXAM NOTICE ||1 st 3rd & 5th sem exam form fill-up ||1st semester registration no ||1 st 3rd & 5th sem form fill-up ||VERIFICATION NOTICE ||registration new date ||1st SEMESTER VERIFICATION NOTICE ||CORRECTION NOTICE FOR 1ST YEAR/SEMESTER ||ADMISSION NOTICE 1ST YEAR STUDENTS ||college open notice for all students ||HOLIDAY NOTICE ||STUDENT ID 5TH SEM ||STUDENT ID 3RD SEM || ||3rd and 5th Semester Admission Notice ||1st YEAR (SEMESTER) VERIFICATION NOTICE ||Verification notice for new students ||vaccination notice for all students ||NOTICE ||CERTIFICATE DISTRIBUTION 1ST BATCH AND 2ND BATCH 2015-16 & 2016-17 ||BA Part III (Old) question paper ||BA Part II (Old) question paper ||BA Part II (Old) question paper ||6th semester question paper ||4th semester question paper ||2nd semester question paper ||Urgent Notice for Exam 2021 ||exam notice new ||MOST URGENT ||admission notice old II & III( I+I+I) ||2nd 4th 6th & II,III( I+I+I old ) form fill up notice 04.05.2021 ||1st semester question paper 19.03.2021 ||1st Semester question Paper ||3rd Semester SEC ||5th Semester question paper ||3rd Semester question paper ||5th semester question paper ||3rd semester question paper ||3rd sem & 5th sem exam SCHEDULE ||3rd sem & 5th sem exam SCHEDULE ||exam form fill up ||1ST SEMESTER(2020-2021) REGISTRATION PHOTO UPLOADING ||2nd & 4th Semester Assignments submission date ||2nd sem AECC2 (MIL) Question no 6 AECC2 Corrected Question ||4TH SEM LCC PAPER II ENGLISH HISTORY QUESTION ||4TH SEM SEC 1 ENGLISH ||4TH SEM DSC 4 HISTORY QUESTION ||4 th sem english DSC 4 ||4th Semester all question paper ||2nd semester all quwstion ||PART I history PAPER III (I+I+I) ||PART I history PAPER II (I+I+I) ||PART I history paper i (I+I+I) ||political science paper vi part II (I+I+I) ||political science paper v part II (I+I+I) ||political science paper iv part II (I+I+I) ||political science PAPER III ||political science PAPER II ||political science I ||compulsory english part II ||EXAM NOTICE PART I & II (I+I+I) ||ENVS PAPER PART I (I+I+I) ||LAST CHANCE 2nd & 4th SEMESTER EXAM FORM FIL UP ||LAST CHANCE ADMISSION 1ST YEAR(SEMESTER) 2020-2021 ||URGENT NOTICE FOR CSC (Common Service Centre) OR Café ||MOST URGENT NOTICE FOR 2nd SEM & 4th SEM EXAMINATION 2020 ||PART I & II EXAM ROUTINE (Under I+I+I) ||new admission 2020 ||EXAM NOTICE PART I & PART II GENERAL ( I+I+I) ||ADMISSION NOTICE 3rd SEMESTER & 5th SEMESTER 2020 ||SEMESTER-3 FEES PAYMENT FOR ROLL NO & ID ||B.A GENERAL PART-II(BACK) EDUCATION PAPER IV ||B.A PART III GEOGRAPHY EXAM PAPER ||B.A PART III HISTORY GENERAL EXAM PAPER ||B.A PART III EDUCATION VII PAPER ||B.A PART III SANSKRIT QUESTION OLD ||B.A PART III SANSKRIT QUESTION NEW ||B.A PART III ELECTIVE BENGALI QUESTION PAPER ||B.A PART III ELECTIVE ENGLISH QUESTION PAPER ||compulsory bengali question paper 1.10.2020 ||B.A PART II (BACK) EXAMINATION -2020 ||EXAM NOTICE NEW ||REVISED ROUTINE NEW 24.09.2020 ||PART III(GENERAL) EXAMINATIONS 2020(UNDER 1+1+1) ||Exam Notice ||A FOUR -DAY INTERNATIONAL WEB -LECTURE SERIES ||New session Admission Notice 2020-2021 ||B.A part III urgent Notice ||


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