Log message:syslog-ng*: update to 3.38.1snmp module untested since net-snmp doesn't currently build on NetBSD-currentChanges:3.38.1======## Highlights### Sneak peek into syslog-ng v4.0syslog-ng v4.0 is right around the corner.This release (v3.38.1) contains all major changes, however, they arecurrently all hidden behind a feature flag.To enable and try those features, you need to specify `@version: 4.0` at thetop of the configuration file.You can find out more about the 4.0 changes and features[here](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/blob/master/NEWS-4.0.md).Read our practical introduction to typing at[syslog-ng-future.blog](https://syslog-ng-future.blog/syslog-ng-4-progress-3-38-1-release/).## Features * `grouping-by()`: added `inject-mode(aggregate-only)` This inject mode will drop individual messages that make up the correlation context (`key()` groups) and would only yield the aggregate messages (e.g. the results of the correlation). ([#3998](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/3998)) * `add-contextual-data()`: add support for type propagation, e.g. set the type of name-value pairs as they are created/updated to the value returned by the template expression that we use to set the value. The 3rd column in the CSV file (e.g. the template expression) now supports specifying a type-hint, in the format of "type-hint(template-expr)". Example line in the CSV database: selector-value,name-value-pair-to-be-created,list(foo,bar,baz) ([#4051](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4051)) * `$(format-json)`: add --key-delimiter option to reconstruct JSON objects using an alternative structure separator, that was created using the key-delimiter() option of json-parser(). ([#4093](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4093)) * `json-parser()`: add key-delimiter() option to extract JSON structure members into name-value pairs, so that the names are flattened using the character specified, instead of dot. Example: Input: {"foo":{"key":"value"}} Using json-parser() without key-delimiter() this is extracted to: foo.key="value" Using json-parser(key-delimiter("~")) this is extracted to: foo~key="value" This feature is useful in case the JSON keys contain dots themselves, in those cases the syslog-ng representation is ambigious. ([#4093](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4093))## Bugfixes * Fixed buffer handling of syslog and timestamp parsers Multiple buffer out-of-bounds issues have been fixed, which could cause hangs, high CPU usage, or other undefined behavior. ([#4110](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4110)) * Fixed building with LibreSSL ([#4081](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4081)) * `network()`: Fixed a bug, where syslog-ng halted the input instead of \ skipping a character in case of a character conversion error. ([#4084](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4084)) * `redis()`: Fixed bug where using redis driver without the `batch-lines` \ option caused program crash. ([#4114](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4114)) * `pdbtool`: fix a SIGABRT on FreeBSD that was triggered right before pdbtool exits. Apart from being an ugly crash that produces a core file, functionally the tool behaved correctly and this case does not affect syslog-ng itself. ([#4037](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4037)) * `regexp-parser()`: due to a change introduced in 3.37, named capture groups are stored indirectly in the LogMessage to avoid copying of the value. In this case the name-value pair created with the regexp is only stored as a reference (name + length of the original value), which improves performance and makes such name-value pairs use less memory. One omission in the original change in 3.37 is that syslog-ng does not allow builtin values to be stored indirectly (e.g. $MESSAGE and a few of others) and this case causes an assertion to fail and syslog-ng to crash with a SIGABRT. This abort is now fixed. Here's a sample config that reproduces the issue: regexp-parser(patterns('(?<MESSAGE>.*)')); ([#4043](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4043)) * set-tag: fix cloning issue when string literal were used (see #4062) ([#4065](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4065)) * `add-contextual-data()`: fix high memory usage when using large CSV files ([#4067](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4067))## Other changes * The `json-c` library is no longer bundled in the syslog-ng source tarball Since all known OS package managers provide json-c packages nowadays, the json-c submodule has been removed from the source tarball. The `--with-jsonc=internal` option of the `configure` script has been removed accordingly, system libraries will be used instead. For special cases, the JSON support can be disabled by specifying `--with-jsonc=no`. ([#4078](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4078)) * platforms: Dropped support for ubuntu-impish as it became EOL ([#4088](https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/pull/4088)) |