2021-10-26 12:59:39 byNia Alarie |Files touched by this commit (378) |
Log message:misc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksumsAll checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 andSHA512 hashesThe following distfiles could not be fetched (possibly fetchedconditionally?):./misc/libreoffice/distinfo libreoffice/harfbuzz-2.6.4.tar.xz |
2021-10-07 16:35:55 byNia Alarie |Files touched by this commit (378) |
Log message:misc: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles |
2020-03-20 12:58:37 byNia Alarie |Files touched by this commit (640) |
Log message:*: Convert broken sourceforge HOMEPAGEs back to http |
2020-01-19 00:36:14 byRoland Illig |Files touched by this commit (3046) |
Log message:all: migrate several HOMEPAGEs to httpspkglint --only "https instead of http" -r -FWith manual adjustments afterwards since pkglint 19.4.4 fixed a fewindentations in unrelated lines.This mainly affects projects hosted at SourceForce, as well asfreedesktop.org, CTAN and GNU. |
2015-11-04 00:49:56 byAlistair G. Crooks |Files touched by this commit (330) |
Log message:Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for misc categoryProblems found locating distfiles:Package colorls: missing distfile ls.tar.gzPackage molden: missing distfile molden-4.6/molden4.6.tar.gzPackage softmaker-office-demo: missing distfile ofl06trial.tgzOtherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same onthe machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existingSHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail. |
2015-07-04 18:18:44 byJoerg Sonnenberger |Files touched by this commit (222) |
Log message:Remove USE_X11BASE and X11PREFIX. |
2012-10-08 11:57:42 byAleksej Saushev |Files touched by this commit (239) |
Log message:Drop PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT setting, "user-destdir" is default these days. |
2009-06-14 22:52:13 byJoerg Sonnenberger |Files touched by this commit (16) |
Log message:Convert @exec/@unexec to @pkgdir or drop it. |