Data Engineer @Zanichelli Ed.
Based in Bologna.
Graduated in Computer Engineering (Master Degree)
Over the past year, I have been getting very close to the Cloud, Data and Machine Learning world and have been fascinated by it
Hobbies: photography, online courses, logo design and cooking
Webpages may not work because Heroku stopped the 1000 hours free hosting
...Encrypt files with password and hide them into other files
Chatterbot telegram with lots of functions (includes scrapers)
Budget management using python
Ad-blocker for Windows
Fast instagram post archiver / eraser
Website to help Ukrainian refugee to stay updated with their TV channels
University project - Teaching a NAO robot playing tower of Hanoi using two ML algorithms
Manipulation of datasets applied to Italian fantasy football
Crypt files with password (AES256)
Encrypt files with password and hide them into other files using python (AES256 enc.)