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Hentaimon v0.1

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is this available on mobile?

Did it have mon that look like gardevoir?

just a random question, before you started work on this game, if you could and did have the time, would you have gotten the rights to Oppaimon and continued that game?

Faz suporte pra Android, necessito demais, slk 🔥

Great game! Here´s a bit of feedback:

* It'd be cool to have a map and be able to sprint

* Even though there are placeholders, entering h-scenes throw an error due to file not found

* There's a man on the bottom-left of the hentaimon centre from the city who has no sprite, blocking your way out until he moves, but you can't really know when

Some errors I got:

* I captured Photan but she does not appear in the centre

* Every time I exit a battle after using Beesa's ability, the capturing text appears telling me I've caught her

Overall, knowing this is only the demo, the game is great! I love the characters and fighting concept (not sending creatures to battle but instead them lending you their abilities to fight). I'll be looking forward future updates!

idk whether its too early but for some reason i can't save. Each time, in every file, it gives me an error warning. it happens in both in the lab and in the menu. any fix?

also trying to turn always sprint on crashes it, for some reason

What will seduce do? Does it change the battle to lewd battle?

can you give like a control or a guide this things is very hard to understand to play properly. like how can use the hentaimon on battle that is not ourself or what button open backpack if there is one overall pls give a guide pls i have been strugle for like 1 hours and don't know how to summon my hentaimon even when i equipped it.

I'm pretty sure in the opening chat with the professor he explains that you fight with the hentaimon's power. So you (as of now) won't be summoning the hentaimon at all. The equip function was kinda confusing to me as well, but you equip them from the menu and then you can use whatever ability that specific character has (each evolution gives you access to a new move). I think most of this is actually explained via the dialogue it puts you through.

Mobile suported plsss

yo its tagged as play in browser but there no game

Oh no, I'm going to rectify that! Sorry :P

here a list of bugs i found on it

when you get the other 2 starter at the same time and try to go to bed it will trigger the walk to the bed cut scenes. after getting up it will try and do the same cut scenes for the other one from the bed and you will get soft locked.

antidote don't remove poison

misspelled ( affinity ) not afinity

all 3 starters have this for there 100 affinity failed to load: audio/se/BatdaSeca.ogg

seen the 3 starters evolve but back in the lab they don't evolve ( might of not been added yet. )

same with other ones don't evolve might of not been added yet.

( nao tem mapa aqui ainde, mas vai tur uma mini dungeon aqui ctz. . . ou nao ) There's no map here yet, but there will be a mini dungeon here. . . or not

i capture a Photan but it not popping up in the lab

in the forest Floggy battle pic is look half done. at the start of the fight

the npc sprites can spot you even if they are looking away. they have a delay

dash don't work in the options. i don't know if dash is added ether

IThis message keeps appearing every couple of seconds and i have to click to make it go away

i have a similar issue. i experienced that after I chose option 3 for a sex scene. Did you attempt that too?

reset the game and it goes away and yeah it only comes up from scene 3

i know. it is certainly annoying to need to do that.

it does indeed happen, after the scene ends for me it turns into like gemini or something

Awesome imo, cant wait for updates and possibly an android version (unless i can use JOI play to run it..)

i got a strange bug that only starting popping up after i selected an option from the sex menu. "loading error. failed to load: audio/se/Gemido02.ogg" it has a button that says "retry" that is clickable with a mouse or the z key. upon clicking retry the window pops up again after a few seconds. the widow freezes the game and i must click retry to start playing again. 
Edit: I revisited this to add that it happens after i select option 3 and choose either text or no text. I have not tried this for anyone other than floggy.

i would really like to hope that at some point in the game they add a sub/dom scenes so you can be on top or the hentaimon can be on top, working for all audiences

dunno why but i cant install it (tried it via the app). after clicking download it doesnt show me any information how big this game is (like how much mb it takes). even after continuing by clicking on download it just stops and it says "typeError: cannot read property build of undefined"

Generally when that happens, the game hasn't been added to the site in a way that allows it to be downloaded from the app. You should be able to download it from the website.

damn for real?  thanks to you ill be able to download the other fifty games now  mate

I'm stuck with no heals to progress the game can someone help me at the start area

Forgot about the bed

there's nothing left you can do

Will there be any mobile support in the future?

I got intresting bug: when bond two Hentaimon Kumini and Floggy at the same time and then go to sleep I see first cutscene with Kumini like when you get 1 affection with your Hentaimon (and i think its normal to be). then i stay at the same position and got the second cutscene with new hentaimon Floggy. the problem is that the cutscene is programing like you walk to bed one step down and many to bed and sleep. but i be not near the stairs. i be near to bed. so i walk to the wall and cant do nothing. reenter the game crash my walk so now i reinstall the game/

My advice: Dont bond three of first hentaimon together. Bond first then sleep, bond second - sleep. 

*I really love this demov0.1 but jesus its my third reinstall. duuuude*

I am already aware of this problem and I'm fixing it as soon as possible to not have it in the next build. Thank you for the feedback!

when i using Life String its trigger text after battle *You unlock Beesa. Go check her on research lab.* every fight i use it. and picture of staying Froggy in Crazy Forest are cursed cause she nude at start battle. o and its really smth wrong with them cause sb can triggered on third title some no matter back or in front and some dont trigger if you stay. women) *suuurp*. and when i capture beesa and photan after boss battle photan is disappear in the lab/ how? i dont know but second capture dont capture this hentaimon. now try forth reinstall (you broken me i want all of this girls... and its all of the bugs that i see in this demo. yes cursed location near garuda (if i not wrong with name) where love sphere drop 0G and future skill that do.. nothing. not boost your attack that be write. or im wrong. anyway its be fun. and i know you already start to build new version so) good luck. i write all bugs that have)/

after i pick one of the three girls how do i equip her? i cant figure it ou

esc -> down to equip + enter -> player (your name) + enter -> equip + enter -> down to hentaimon + enter. (recommanded to choice green one cause to open this one you must have 20 earth sphere that dont drop from anyone on this game (or i am stupid bastard or its bug of the game that be fix in the future))

It's a bug, but don't worry, already fixed that for the next build.

Hey have you tried it already? I'm currently only waiting to see if you still get the to work with this.

This game is quite fun I like it. I played it for like an hour or two already. A few bugs I encountered was the sound cutting off when doing the 100 afinity with Kunimi. One more was when I used a item to level up Gomas slap power up skill. It went up to level 5 but she didn't evolve like she should have. 

In this build, only the three starters have their evolutions. Thanks for your feedback.

Will it Android?

(Sorry for bad English)

Can't wait for full release

pretty good so far but it hit a bug thats making it irritating to play now after doing the 3rd sex scene on kurumi it started giving an audio loading error over and over with no way to stop called, audio/se/BatidaSeca.oog and it keeps coming up every like 3 seconds so its now feels impossible to play especialy with the insanly slow movement speed.

this be on other (Ukison and Floggy)

I'm looking into this!

Game already removed? tried to play the game, showed up "access denied" and now it says nothing was uploaded at all.

The build is working just fine.

Please add the ability to Run.

Feels a little grindy.

But overall, looking forward to it. :)

looks like a promising game 
but once again 
fix the download by the ichio app 
(im actually surprised that most forget to do this as at least 50% use the app to download the games)

How can I do that? I don't know a lot about itchio app, so I never considered fixing the download for it.

well i dont know exactly i didnt make any game on ichio to know what shoud be done but if you ask somebody else  (another content maker or something ) 

they might know

Not sure if that is the problem, but I got told once the dev just need to lists the download or something for the app. It must be a box you have to check or something like that.

edit: This is on steam? Sadly that means we have to wait, please try not to include dlc and I'm curious when we have to start with the payment. Oh the no dlc was because of the german region lock and this having a price is the only way to somehow still get it on steam, free dlc would not work.

i've played lusty god and nympho's path on steam when it was affordable in my country and i loved them both, so i'll give this a try and (if possible) will buy it on steam someday

I have seen similar games to this before but this is doing this idea pretty effectively. However my one main complaint/question has to do with the current system of evolution. Its simple and makes sense but after a hentaimon evolves... it gets strange. I end up getting the evolved mon on top of the unevolved mon who at that point is pretty much useless for combat and doesn't need to be equipped, yet the evolved mon doesn't appear in the research lab. I know my starter has a second evolution, but the first evolution isn't there to tell me how high of a skill level I need to get the second evolution, but the unevolved who I'm already technically finished keeps telling me how to get the evolution I have now. Its just kind of janky at this point and probably needs adjustments.

It's still in early development, we noted your feedback and will take care of everything as soon as we can.

nice game, tho a problem with the browser demo, combat has an error to be specific

I tried fixing the browser demo, but won't let you put a zip file in the browser with more than 1000 files inside. So I guess the only choice is to download the game T.T 

I just submitted a version that is working on the download tab. If you find any other bug, feel free to tell.·View all by phracassado·Report·Embed

