Old Man of Pencader
There is a plaque on the wall written in Welsh, the opposite side of the main road to the Pavilion in Pencader. Here is the English version:
The words of the old Welshman to Henry II King of England in Pencader in 1163.
My Lord king, this nation may now be harassed, weakened and decimated by your soldiery, as it has so often been by others in former times; but it will never be totally destroyed by the wrath of man, unless at the same time it is punished by the wrath of God. Whatever else may come to pass, I do not think that on the Day of Direst Judgement any race other than the Welsh, or any other language, will give answer to the Supreme Judge of all for this small corner of the earth.
This story comes from the book ‘The Journey Through Wales’ written by Gerald of Wales in the twelfth century.

The Old Man of Pencader Plaque
For more details about the plaque and a good introduction to the history of our area may we suggest ‘This Small Corner, A history of Pencader and District’ by Steve Dubé, formerly of Abernawmor. Copies available from Stuart Wilson Tel.01559 384709 or email janegriffithsuk@btinternet.com.