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Clery Notice of Availability

Clery Notice

The Johns Hopkins University Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is available on the University’s website at .

In keeping with the mandates of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), the University’s Annual Report contains statistics of certain crimes that are reported and that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University or an officially recognized student organization, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus for the three most recent calendar years. Also included are campus security policies including those related to missing student notifications, alcohol and drug use, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, and fire safety policies and statistics. All Johns Hopkins faculty, staff and students are encouraged to read and print out the report at and to report all criminal incidents promptly to your respective security department.

A printed copy of the report may be obtained from the following university security offices or personnel: Homewood (410-516-4631); Peabody Institute (667-208-6608); Medical Institutions (410-614-3473); Applied Physics Laboratory (443-778-4805); Harbor East Campus (410-234-9301); Columbia Center (410-516-9700); SAIS Bologna Center (202-663-5808, Int. +39.051.2917.811); Washington Centers – KSAS (202-663-5808), SAIS (202-663-5808), Carey Business School (202-663-5808); Hopkins-Nanjing Center (202-663-5808, Int. +86.25.8359.2436); Montgomery County Campus (301-294-7011) and Barcelona, Spain (Int. +34.93.542.25.99).

