Finance >Payroll, Benefits and Retirement >Retirement Services

Retirement Services

All regular, full-time employees must participate in one of the state of Tennessee’s retirement plans.

Regular, part-time employees may join a retirement plan. Those who elect to participate are subject to the same terms and conditions as members with mandatory participation.

Please contact us with questions or 865-974-5251.


UT’s Retirement Services Office has moved downtown to the UT Tower effective April 18th. All UT System offices have moved off the Knoxville campus. Our new address is listed below. Please contact our office before visiting our new site. There is a security process for entering the building leased from TVA, and it is helpful for us to know you are coming.


Our new physical address

400 W Summit Hill Dr. – UT Tower 9th Floor, Knoxville, TN  37902


Our mailing address

505 Summer Place – 912 UT Tower, Knoxville, TN  37902



Exempt Faculty and Staff

Regular faculty and exempt staff (those not eligible for overtime) can choose between membership in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) or the Optional Retirement Program (ORP).

Exempt New Hire Orientation Presentation

Non-Exempt Staff

Regular non-exempt staff (those eligible for overtime) are covered in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS).

Non-Exempt New Hire Orientation Presentation

Employees Not Eligible to Participate in a Retirement Plan

Those not eligible to participate in retirement plans are:

  • Student workers
  • Temporary employees
  • Medical residents
  • Interns and externs
  • Non-U.S. citizens who do not pay Social Security or Medicare taxes
  • State retirees eligible to participate in the Tennessee Retiree Group Insurance Program