Ivan Klimchuk

creating blog, videos and podcasts about MODX, but not only

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Just thanks for my work for MODX during the last 12 years.
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If you would like to support any of my projects, which I do. I will say about your support in my Twitter account.
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I will write more articles, that relate to MODX and not only with your support. You will get early access to drafts.
Lessons sponsor
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If you would like to discover some topic about MODX or web development in general, I will create it and publish it on YouTube by your request. You will get a private link to the lesson.
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You can request 1 hour of my support or consulting about MODX, web development workflow, or ask any development-related and MODX questions.
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You can request me to develop a specific feature in the MODX core. I can not guarantee when it will be released, but I will provide an additionally 2 hours of my support to apply it to your specific environment and ensure that after the upgrade it will remain.

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Ivan Klimchuk

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