Here are some of the things I've somehow made work.
You can also find some smaller experiments on myCodeSandbox andCodePen.
- automationscaffolding
Easily start a new project without the burden of remembering 10 things to do
- dimension-selectionreacttsdev
A simple library to easily create a dimension selector
- twindtypography
A plugin to add support for the `prose` class from tailwind in twind with dark mode
- bookmarkschrome-extention
Chrome extension to export bookmarks sanely
- compatabilitycrushprank
Tutorial project to teach MERN and see who your friend's crush is
- dynamicfaviconreact-hooks
A simple react hook to show a dynamic favicon
- vscode-extension-pack
My VS Code extension pack, containing the extensions I love to use
- color-palette-generatorcolor-pickerreact
For the next time you're stuck on deciding colors for your startup
- botwhatsapp
WhatsApp chatbot weekend project to create stickers and run code in any language in chat
- classnamereact-native
Implementation of `className` and customizable UI components in React Native
- ebook-readerflutter
E-book reader app design implemented in flutter
- facebookflutterresponsive-design
Facebook UI clone to practice building UIs in flutter
- discord-botmeme-generator
A discord bot to create memes in chat
- drivegoogle-driveindexingtdrive
An index server for Google Drive
- google-drivetelegram-bottorrent
A bot for searching and downloading torrents easily with website and telegram bot
- apiimdbnodejsscrapper
An API for scrapping data on IMDB website about a movie or webseries
- firebasereact
A highly customizable link aggregator made with react and firebase