Hey there, I'mGeek 👋
A full-stack developer working on MERN stack with experience building web-based video editor, ed-tech platforms, and more from scratch. When I'm not coding I am jamming to some techno.
Currently working as a Senior Software Engineer atTracxn, if you wanna know more checkoutmy resume.
Also, I'm a DJ diving into many generes that I love, if you hear my sets or know more checkoutthis page.
Pinned Projects
- .dotfilesdotfileslinux
My config files and shell script to manage them
- prjktscaffoldingautomation
Easily start a new project without the burden of remembering 10 things to do
- torrent-aio-bottelegram-bottorrentgoogle-drive
A bot for searching and downloading torrents easily with website and telegram bot
- improved-potatobookmarkschrome-extention
Chrome extension to export bookmarks sanely
- wa-automationbotwhatsapp
WhatsApp chatbot weekend project to create stickers and run code in any language in chat