



Building a web app with Parcel

Quick start


To quickly scaffold a new web app with Parcel, run the following commands. This will create a new Git repository, install dependencies, and setup a few source files you can modify.

npm create parcel vanilla my-parcel-app
cd my-parcel-app
npm start

Replacenpm withyarn orpnpm to use your preferred package manager. The following templates are supported:

See below for a deep dive.



Before we get started, you'll need to install Node and Yarn or npm, and create a directory for your project. Then, install Parcel into your app using Yarn:

yarnadd--dev parcel

Or when using npm run:

npminstall --save-dev parcel

Project setup


Now that Parcel is installed, let’s create some source files for our app. Parcel accepts any type of file as an entry point, but an HTML file is a good place to start. Parcel will follow all of your dependencies from there to build your app.

<title>My First Parcel App</title>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>

Parcel has a development server built in, which will automatically rebuild your app as you make changes. To start it, run theparcel CLI pointing to your entry file:

yarn parcel src/index.html

Or when using npm run:

npx parcel src/index.html

Now openhttp://localhost:1234/ in your browser to see the HTML file you created above.

Next, you can start adding dependencies to your HTML file, such as a JavaScript or CSS file. For example, you could create astyles.css file and reference it from yourindex.html file with a<link> tag, and anapp.js file referenced with a<script> tag.

color: hotpink;
font-family: cursive;
console.log('Hello world!');
<title>My First Parcel App</title>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>

As you make changes, you should see your app automatically update in the browser without even refreshing the page!

In this example, we’ve shown how to use vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but Parcel also works with many common web frameworks and languages likeReact andTypeScript out of the box. Check out the Recipes and Languages sections of the docs to learn more.

Package scripts


So far, we’ve been running theparcel CLI directly, but it can be useful to create some scripts in yourpackage.json file to make this easier. We'll also setup a script to build your app forproduction using theparcel build command. Finally, you can also declare yourentries in a single place using thesource field so you don't need to duplicate them in eachparcel command.

"build":"parcel build"

Now you can runyarn build to build your project for production andyarn start to start the development server.

Declaring browser targets


By default Parcel does not perform any code transpilation. This means that if you write your code using modern language features, that’s what Parcel will output. You can declare your app’s supported browsers using thebrowserslist field. When this field is declared, Parcel will transpile your code accordingly to ensure compatibility with your supported browsers.

"browserslist":"> 0.5%, last 2 versions, not dead",
"build":"parcel build"

You can learn more about targets, as well as Parcel’s automatic support for differential bundling on theTargets page.

Next steps


Now that you’ve set up your project, you're ready to learn about some more advanced features of Parcel. Check out the documentation aboutdevelopment andproduction, and see the Recipes and Languages sections for more in-depth guides using popular web frameworks and tools.

On this page

