Metung a simpling malanging paraluman a batubalani, a pambulsa
Ingparaluman (compass omariner's compass king Ingles) metung yang kasangkapan king pamaglayag (navigational instrument) bang abalu ing nangan o direksiun king Yatu. Atin yang pánurung (pointer) magnetized o mebatubalani a timawang tumulid kingmagnetic field ning Yatu, at maragul yang saup king pamaglayag. Keraklan, makamarka la king lupa ning paraluman dengmamuntukan a nangan (cardinal directions ocardinal points) ningpangulu,mauli,aslagan ampongalbugan. Maragul ing paniulung a miliari king kalakal king kadayatmalatan uli ning paraluman, uling meging mas ligtas ampong mas malagua ing pamaglakbe. Maliari yang gamitan ing paraluman ba yang carculan ingheading o direksiun/nangan a pupuntalan. Nung gamitan yang kayabe ya ing metung asextant, maliari neng ibie inglatitude, at nung makimarine chronometer, inglongitude. Uli na niti, minasensu ing pamaglayag, dapot ngening bayu-bayu pamu, miyalilan ne kareng makabayung kasangkapan, anti inggyrocompass ampo ingGlobal Positioning System (GPS).
Admiralty, Great Britain (1915)Admiralty manual of navigation, 1914, Chapter XXV: "The Magnetic Compass (continued): the analysis and correction of the deviation", London : HMSO, 525 p.
Aczel, Amir D. (2001)The Riddle of the Compass: The Invention that Changed the World, 1st Ed., New York : Harcourt,ISBN 0-15-600753-3
Carlson, John B. (1975)"Lodestone Compass: Chinese or Olmec Primacy?: Multidisciplinary analysis of an Olmec hematite artifact from San Lorenzo, Veracruz, Mexico”,Science,189 (4205 : 5 September), p. 753-760,DOI 10.1126/science.189.4205.753
Gurney, Alan (2004)Compass: A Story of Exploration and Innovation, London : Norton,ISBN 0-393-32713-2
King, David A. (1983), "The Astronomy of the Mamluks", Isis74 (4): 531-555
Kreutz, Barbara M. (1973) "Mediterranean Contributions to the Medieval Mariner's Compass",Technology and Culture,14 (3: July), p. 367–383
Lane, Frederic C. (1963) "The Economic Meaning of the Invention of the Compass",The American Historical Review,68 (3: April), p. 605–617
Li Shu-hua (1954) "Origine de la Boussole 11. Aimant et Boussole",Isis,45 (2: July), p. 175–196
Ludwig, Karl-Heinz and Schmidtchen, Volker (1997)Metalle und Macht: 1000 bis 1600, Propyläen Technikgeschichte, Berlin : Propyläen-Verl.,ISBN 3-549-05633-8
Ma, Huan (1997)Ying-yai sheng-lan [The overall survey of the ocean's shores (1433)], Feng, Ch'eng-chün (ed.) and Mills, J.V.G. (transl.), Bangkok : White Lotus Press,ISBN 974-8496-78-3
Needham, Joseph (1986)Science and civilisation in China, Vol. 4: "Physics and physical technology", Pt. 1: "Physics", Taipei: Caves Books, originally publ. by Cambridge University Press (1962),ISBN 0-521-05802-3
Needham, Joseph and Ronan, Colin A. (1986)The shorter Science and civilisation in China : an abridgement of Joseph Needham's original text, Vol. 3, Chapter 1: "Magnetism and Electricity", Cambridge University Press,ISBN 0-521-25272-5
Taylor, E.G.R. (1951) "The South-Pointing Needle",Imago Mundi,8, p. 1–7
Temple, Robert. (1986).The Genius of China: 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery, and Invention. With a forward by Joseph Needham. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc.ISBN 0-671-62028-2.
Williams, J.E.D. (1992)From Sails to Satellites: the origin and development of navigational science, Oxford University Press,ISBN 0-19-856387-6
Zhou, Daguan (2007)The customs of Cambodia, translated into English from the French version by Paul Pelliot of Zhou's Chinese original by J. Gilman d'Arcy Paul, Phnom Penh : Indochina Books, prev publ. by Bangkok : Siam Society (1993),ISBN 974-8298-25-6
The Internet Compass Museum gives comprehensive information about all sorts of compasses and how to use them.
Beware:The Brief History of the Bezard compass (1852 – 1971) on theKnowfutureArchived Marsu 4, 2016 at theWayback Machine site is a hoax. There is no such village in France. A Jewish familyBézard never existed. The Bezard compass was created by Johann von Bézard, an Austrian Colonel of French Huguenot origin and built by the LUFFT company in Germany whose factory was inStuttgart. The BASF chemical company is situated on the riverRhine inLudwigshafen. The whole story is beautiful but unfortunately untrue. Reliable information can be found on the following private sites: