Solanum ovigerumDunal Solanum trongumPoir. and seetext
Ingbalasenas (eggplant),aubergine, obrinjal (Solanum melongena), metung uang tanaman da reng familiangSolanaceae ampong genusSolanum. Ing lagiu ning bunga na makanyan ya naman, keraklan magagamit bilanggule keng pamaglutu. Iti katutubu ya kareng bangsangBangladesh,Pakistan,Sri Lanka andIndia.
Ing kule ubing balasenas nung nu binangal deng adua, papakit ne ing ing kayang kilub. Mapilan mung minutu kaibat mebangal ing kilub maglupa neng kule balat.
Required variables:name,kJ,carbs,fat,protein. Supply units (except for kJ which is in kJ).
Optional variables:sugars,lactose,satfat,transfat,monofat,polyfat,omega3fat,omega6fat,fiber,fibre,starch,water,alcohol,caffeine. Supply units (normally g).
Optional freeformat variables (name andvalue):opt1n,opt1v, etc. up toopt4n andopt4v.
The following optional variables are converted into percentages of RDA (taken as averages for males and females aged 25-50 years from the USDA 2000 recommendation):
Optional minerals (in mg):calcium_mg,iron_mg,phosphorus_mg,magnesium_mg,sodium_mg,potassium_mg,zinc_mg
Optional vitamins (in mg, μg, or international units):vitA_ug,thiamin_mg (Vit. B1),riboflavin_mg (Vit. B2),niacin_mg (Vit. B3),pantothenic_mg (pantothenic acid),vitB6_mg,folate_ug,vitB12_ug,vitC_mg,vitD_ug,vitD_iu (in IU),vitE_mg,vitK_ug.
Other optional variables and flags:
Optional footnote:note
Optional data source:source, or as a flag:source_usda=1 for the USDA database
Optional suppression of RDA explanation:noRDA=1
Optional flags:right=1 (table will be floating on the right)
Further remarks:
According to convention, there should be a space between the number and the unit: "14 g" and not "14g".
Splitting up components that are present in trace amounts is not very meaningful (e.g. 1.5 g fats of which 0.5 g unsaturated).
The author of the template recommendeds to include only vitamins and minerals for which this product is considered to be a major source, in order to prevent clogging up the article with a huge table. As a guideline:
staple foods: an amount that provides 10,000 kJ should provide well over 100% of the RDI.
meats and such: same, but for 4,000 kJ.
vegetables, other low-calorie solid food, fruits: same, but for 400 g.
other products: use an amount that one could reasonably eat on a daily basis.
Don't put linebreaks into the template around the {{#if:...}} parser functions, because they will end up as linebreaks above the table.
Maybe someone can do this in wikitable format rather than raw HTML, if you know how to combine that with the {{#if: }} conditionals. Please experiment inTemplate:NutritionalvalueTest to prevent breaking article pages.