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Author - title
detailsLate TertiaryChina(Kansu) Sung,T.C. Tertiary spore and pollen complexes from the Red Beds of Chiuchuan, Kansu and their geological and botanical significance.1958
detailsTortonianPoland Oszast,J. Miocene vegetation of a Sulphur Bed at Piaseczno near Tarnobrzeg (Southern Poland)1967
detailsTertiaryQuaternaryMongolian Republic Oszast,J. The results of palaeobotanical investigations of the Tertiary and Quaternary deposits in Western Mongolia.1970
detailsLate NeogenePoland Stachurska,A. et al. The Neogene flora at Sosnica near Wroclaw in the light of geological and palynological investigations.1973
detailsVillafranchianAlgeria Beucher,F. Palynological study of the Neogene and Quaternary formations of the northwestern Sahara.1975
detailsLate TertiaryPoland Dyjor,S. et al. The Neogene and Old Pleistocene sedimentation in the Paczkow and Kedzierzyn Graben zones, Southern Poland.1977
detailsTortonianSarmatianPoland Sadowska,A. Vegetation and stratigraphy of Upper Miocene Coal Seams of Southwestern Poland.1977
detailsLate TortonianPoland Dyjor,S. et al. Problem of the age and correlation of Upper Miocene Brown Coal Seams in Western Poland.1977
detailsLate MioceneEarly PliocenePoland Oszast,J. et al. The Neogene vegetation of the Podhale (West Carpathians, Poland).1977
detailsPaleogeneNeogenePoland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor)1977
detailsEarly PliocenePleistoceneMediterranean Sea Bertolani-Marchetti,D. et al. Palynological studies on samples from DSDP Leg 42A.1978
detailsEarly CretaceousChina(Kansu) Jiang,D.-X. et al. Petroleum sporo-pollen assemblages and oil source rock of Yumen oil-bearing Region in Gansu.1980
detailsLate NeogeneEarly PleistoceneFrance(Herault) Suc,J.-P. The vegetation and climate of Languedoc, (Southern France) in the Middle Pliocene based on from palynology.1981
detailsPleistoceneAtlantic Ocean Bonnefille,R. et al. Organic matter and palynology of DSDP Site 367 Pliocene-Pleistocene cores off West Africa.1982
detailsEarly PliocenePortugal Diniz,F. Contribution of palynology to the knowledge of the Pliocene of Portugal, Rio Maor. A reference basin for the floristic, vegetational and climatic history of the Atlantic Facade of Southern Europe.1984
detailsLate NeogeneUSSR(Tadzhik SSR) Nikonov,A.A. et al. Ancient Glaciation of Pamira. (In: Anthropogene of Eurasia. M.M.Kamaletdinov and V.L.Vakhimovich, editors)1984
detailsLate PliocenePoland Sadowska,A. Palynology of Clayey sediments. (In: The Site of Pliocene deposits in the Klodzko Basin, Central Sudetes. A.Jahn et al, editors)1984

