


Core Defenders

Core Defenders

A downloadable game for Windows

We are collaborating with Brain Up as our producers to advance the development of our student game and are currently seeking publishing partners to help bring it to its full potential. 

If you are interested in learning more or exploring partnership opportunities, please get in touch with us

We would love to discuss how you can be part of this exciting project!


Core Defenders.rar758 MB


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thats dope, who did the enemy ai coding ?

Hey ! We're glad you liked it :) The main programmer for the enemy AI was Nathan Peyron, if you have any question to ask him his discord username is : genesis_z0 Feel free to contact him !

Le jeu est génial, fonctionne très bien, le gamefeel est cool, même au bout de 5 niveaux ça donne envie de continuer. 😁👌💪
GG la team ✨️ Vous êtes beaucoup trop fort <3

Merci pour votre retour ❤️ ! On est heureux que notre travail vous ait plu :)

Jeu terminé à 100% après 1h de try hard! Merci pour cette expérience, c'est top

Trop fort ✨️😎 Merci d'y avoir joué!

Merci monsieur ! :)

Thank you for your feedback ! We are glad you liked our game :) ❤️·View all by Orianne.G·Report·Embed

