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Sometimes you want to keep information associated with an entry, butyou normally do not want to see it. For this, Org mode hasdrawers.They can contain anything but a headline and another drawer. Drawerslook like this:
** This is a headlineStill outside the drawer:DRAWERNAME:This is inside the drawer.:END:After the drawer.
You can interactively insert a drawer at point by callingorg-insert-drawer
, which is bound toC-c C-x d. With anactive region, this command puts the region inside the drawer. With aprefix argument, this command calls non-interactive functionorg-insert-property-drawer
, which creates a ‘PROPERTIES’ drawerright below the current headline. Org mode uses this special drawerfor storing properties (seeProperties and Columns). You cannot useit for anything else.
Completion over drawer keywords is also possible usingM-TAB16.
Visibility cycling (seeVisibility Cycling) on the headline hides andshows the entry, but keep the drawer collapsed to a single line. Inorder to look inside the drawer, you need to move point to the drawerline and pressTAB there.
You can also arrange for state change notes (seeTracking TODO state changes) and clock times (seeClocking Work Time) to be stored ina ‘LOGBOOK’ drawer. If you want to store a quick note there, ina similar way to state changes, use
Add a time-stamped note to the ‘LOGBOOK’ drawer.
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