


Features | Org mode

Elegant Markup

Example basic Org document showing the key textual elements


Org mode is routinely used to build and manage complex workflows. Itdoes this using an elegantly simple syntax that scales from basicmarkup to full LaTeX typesetting and from plain text notes to literateprograms.

Everything you need to get started is demonstrated in the example.


More onmarkup (manual)

Structured Editing

Demonstration of folding and unfolding sections in Org


The fundamental structure of an Org document is a tree, with nested,collapsible sections forming its backbone. You can fold and unfoldwhole trees with single keystroke —tab.

Org's trees make for quick, graceful navigation and powerfulinformation hiding that lets you focus on the task at hand withoutcompromising the ability to get the information you need complete it.

Controlling section visibility is only a tiny part of Org's set oftools and commands for structured editing of plain text. Org modeleverages Org's regular syntax to transform otherwise tedious tasksinto single key commands, freeing you to focus on content rather thanform.


More ondocument structure (manual)

Transparent Tables

Manipulating tables with Org, moving cells/rows and executing formulas


Org includes a powerful table editor.

tab moves betweencolumns.return moves betweenrows.

Layout updates automatically as cell contents change.

Import tables from.csv and.tsv files, or directly from thecontents of the current buffer, then export them to any formatsupported by Org.

Org tables aren't just static views of data. They can be used as afullspreadsheet system, with formulas, references and more — allwith the simplicity and transparency of plain text.


Thebuilt-in table editor (manual)

Org as aspreadsheet system (manual)

Introduction toediting tables (Worg)

UsingOrg as a spreadsheet (Worg)

Superior Source Code

Demonstration of Org Babel executing code blocks


Org provides functionality far beyond that of computational notebookssuch asJupyter orR Markdown.

Org babel transforms the lowly executable source block into a completeliterate programming environment, allowing you to weave the inputs andoutputs of multiple languages and runtime environments across multiplemachines into a single unified system, empowering you to achieve newlevels ofDRYness regardless of whether the languages you are workingin want you to or not.

Org makes it trivial to extract source code and generate documentationfrom the same file. While many languages have support for generatingdeveloper documentation from code comments, with Org your developerguide and user manual can also be the source code for implementationand testing — a single source of truth that won't drift out of sync.

Org currently has support for over80 languages, and projects likeemacs-jupyter make it possible to leverage the Jupyter kernelecosystem for even more languages.


Working with source code (manual)

List ofsupported languages (Worg)

Export and Publish

Showing an Org file being exported to HTML, markdown, PDF and plaintext


Org is an authoring and publishing tool — it can function aseverything from a static site generator, to a suite of tools forself-publishing.

Draft documents using Org's intuitive markup, then export to yourformat of choice. Org supports many formats including:

  • HTML
  • \(\LaTeX\)
  • ODT
  • and more!

Developers can easily create new backends for their favorite format(see theox reference documentation) and Org is also supported byPandoc.

In addition to exporting single files, you can definepublishingprojects for one or files and accompanying resources,targeting one or more publication backends.


One poorly kept secret is that the Org website is written in Org!

More onmarkup (manual)

More onexporting (manual)

More onpublishing (manual)

Tutorial on publishing to HTML (Worg)

Tutorial on publishing to \(\LaTeX\) (Worg)

Take Control of Tasks

Demonstration of planning with org, managing a scheduled todo list


Org is an extremely capable task planner, time tracker and TODO list.

Any section can become aTODO item by adding a keyword such asTODO orHOLD to track the state of the task. You can cycle through taskstates with the shortcutsS-<left> andS-<right>.

Need add your own set of states? No problem. Org lets you customizethem to support your workflow.

OrgAgenda makes it easy to view tasks from multiple files in oneplace. All you have to do is add one of the TODO keywords. Org hasbuilt-in support for task priority, deadlines, scheduled tasks, tags,clocking and more.Agenda can use of all of it to organize andprioritize tasks — seamlessly scaling from a simple TODO list into acomplete project management suite, all with plain text markup.


More onTODO items (manual)

Handlingdates and times (manual)

Actionable Agendas

An example Org agenda, displaying various todo keywords, priorities, categorisation and scheduling


Plan your day, your way, with ease.

Withagenda views — reports generated from yourTODO items — youcan see your tasks on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Even with hundreds files and thousands of tasks, agenda letsyou focus on what you need to do and quickly take action, jumpingfrom the high level overview directly into the task at hand.

The default agenda shows scheduled and deadlined tasks for the week,stalled projects and all your outstanding TODO items.

Not satisfied with the defaults? Org agenda is highly configurable.You can customize the contents of default views or create your owncustom views.

In a sense Org is an expressive language that captures the key pointsof interaction in workflows, simplifying and refining the process ofdeveloping new workflows as they emerge during the course of work,play, or life in general.


More onagenda views (manual)

Tutorial onagenda commands (Worg)


Using Org to keep track of how long various subtasks took


Keep track of the time you spend on your tasks with OrgClocking, andat end of the day you can generate customized reports about how youspent your time.

Org provides shortcuts toclock in andclock out of tasks. Whenworking in fileC-c C-x C-i clocks in andC-c C-x C-o clocksout. Time is stored in the property drawer of the heading for thetask at had.

You can also useI andO when in an agenda view.


More onclocking tasks (manual)

Capture Data From Anywhere

Using Org Capture to record an idea while editing a file


You can add content to file bycapturing data.

You can capture from anywhere — from an Emacs buffer or from otherapplications like your web browser, PDF viewer and more.

Capture templates provide a quick and effective way to ingeststructured data for a variety of workflows, from adding TODO items toquoting the relevant section of a manual or saving a receipt.


More oncapturing (manual)

Extremely Extensible

Display of some default and custom Org link types


Org mode isn't just extensible, it isEmacs extensible.

Org started out as an extension. As a result, extensibility is presentin nearly every aspect of Org.

To give only a single example, consider hyperlinks. While updatingdocumentation you find yourself repeatedly linking to GitHubissues. In Org you can add a newissue: link type to the document sothat[[issue:74][big bug]] expands to

Beyond expanding links, you can define custom resolving functions,link to files on remote machines withTramp, and more.

Created byTEC withOrg mode unicorn logo

licensed under theGNU FDL 1.3 — see thesource code for this website.

