TheCorporation offers threedifferent types of support contract. If you have specificrequirements not addressed by any of these plans, or need formore information, please contact us to discuss custom arrangements.
The Enterprise support plan is tailored for large enterprises that not only useOpenSSL as an essential component across multiple products or product lines butalso require comprehensive support that includes their subsidiaries and additionalplatforms. This plan is ideal for enterprises with a capable in-house technicalteam that seeks cost-effective, direct engagement with OpenSSL authors andmaintainers for extensive and specialized support needs.
The Premium support plan is intended for medium-sized businesses that utilizeOpenSSL as a crucial component within their products or product lines. This planoffers essential support services and direct access to OpenSSL maintainers,making it a cost-effective solution for businesses with proficient in-housetechnical staff that may not have specific expertise in cryptography or OpenSSL.
This plan is designed for the medium to small business relying onstandard OpenSSL for significant products or services and lackinginternal resources for effectively addressing all operational andapplication development issues.