September 14th 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 16:16 UTC.
Board Members
- Paul
- Allison
- Leslie
- Josh
- Deb
Expected, but Not Present
Sent Regrets
- Italo
- Stefano (zack)
- Molly
- Patrick
- Richard
Private discussion on Wunderbar:- Ask Pam for recommendations on next steps- If monetary penalty is taken, should donate to some other organization. Prefer no money to be involved, to keep motives clear.- Priority on guarantee that trademark logo will not be used on any *future* packaging, and public statement about invalid use of trademark
[ACTION] Allison to follow up with Jim Zemlin on Linux Foundation naming (again).
Meeting adjourned at 16:34 UTC.
Motion (Allison): Approve and post the meeting minutes of August 2016.
Second (Paul).
Vote: 3 Yes; 0 No; 2 Abstain.
Motion (Allison): Approve the proposal to launch the Open Education Working Group
Second (Josh).
Discussion: [Deb] Suggest for the public-facing pages to clearly state the goals, objectives, and deliverables.
Vote: 5 Yes; 0 No; 0 Abstain.