Become an Individual Member

Page created on July 14, 2012 | Last modified on August 28, 2023

What does it mean to be a member of the Open Source Initiative?

Being part of the OSI means being part of the Open Source community. OSI Members are people who support the mission of the OSI, which is to educate about and advocate for the benefits of Open Source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community. 

What does the OSI do?

Our goal is to provide a broad meeting place for everyone who shares an interest in Open Source software, with the continuing aim of strengthening the OSI so that it can more effectively fulfill its goals over the long term. 

Having a large global membership base is an excellent way to achieve those goals. We encourage our Individual Members to advocate for Open Source in their communities and organizations. Individual Members, combined with OSI Affiliate organizations, can help make the OSI the strongest voice for Open Source around the world.

What membership levels are there?

There are two levels of full membership: 

  • Supporter : $50 per year- you canjoin right now:
    • Voting rights – Define the direction and identify the leadership of the OSI by nominating and voting for OSI Board Directors.
    • Opportunity to run for a Director seat. Five members of the Board represent the Individual Membership, and play a vital role in the open source community.
    • Early access to event tickets, workshops, classes, or community-building activities 
    • Discounts on services. These currently include:
      • 15% off IT Leadership and IT Management training, workshops, and coaching from Hallmentum
      • 10% off at, an Open-Source Hardware manufacturer.
  • Professional (NEW): $300 per year
    • All of the benefits above, plus:
      • Priority access to meetings and events organized by OSI
      • Early access to briefings, whitepapers and other content produced by OSI and its partners

There is also a limited membership level (Basic) that doesn’t include voting rightsavailable for free.

Have questions?

Contact us.