OpenMPT is a populartracker software for Windows.OpenMPT (short hand forOpen ModPlug Tracker) is completely free and allows you to create and play back some great music on your computer.Based on the original ModPlug Tracker written by Olivier Lapicque, OpenMPT is free software, can import a wide variety of module formats and offers an intuitive, native GUI as well as advanced features such asVST plugins andASIO output.
In addition to its own song format, OpenMPT can natively edit Impulse Tracker, FastTracker, Scream Tracker and ProTracker module files. Read more about it on thefeatures page!
libopenmpt is a cross-platform C++ and C module playback library. It is based on the player code of the Open ModPlug Tracker project. It offers high-quality module playback on a variety of platforms.
This small update forOpenMPT 1.31 fixesa couple of bugs and bring a few other improvements. This is most likely goingto be the last OpenMPT 1.31 release, and we are looking forward to releasingOpenMPT 1.32 very soon.
Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
This first update of the year ofOpenMPT 1.31 brings a number of bugfixesand improvements backported from OpenMPT 1.32 development.
Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
This update toOpenMPT 1.31 bringsa number of bugfixes and improvements backported from OpenMPT 1.32 development.
Probably one of the most important changes concerns default key bindings: Onmany ISO keyboard layouts, special note keys (Note Cut, etc.) were not availableby default. They finally have key bindings that should be available on allkeyboards. If there is no conflict, the new key bindings will be added onexisting OpenMPT installations as well.
Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
There was a catastrophic bug in the previousOpenMPT 1.31 update released earliertoday, making keyboard input impossible in several pattern editor columns. This is ahotfix release addressing the bug. There are no other changes in this version.We apologize for the inconvenience this update may have caused.
This update toOpenMPT 1.31 bringsvarious small improvements around the application, including several playbackcompatibility improvements and improved accessibility in the keyboard configdialog.Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
This update toOpenMPT 1.31 is a smallbugfix release again focussing on improving playback compatibility with variousformats, but also adding other little improvements.Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
This update toOpenMPT 1.31 is a smallbugfix release again focussing on improving playback compatibility with variousformats, but also fixing a few other bugs and adding a few new keyboardshortcuts.Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
This update toOpenMPT 1.31 is a smallbugfix release mostly focussed on improving playback compatibility with variousformats.Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
This update toOpenMPT 1.31 fixesvarious bugs and brings some other small improvements.Here's a list of the most notable changes in this version:
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