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    14736 worksSearch for books with subject Michigan.

    Publishing History

    This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published.Click here to skip the chart. Reset chart or continue zooming in. This graph charts editions published on this subject.
    Editions Published
    Year of Publication



    Nursery stock,Catalogs,History,Varieties,Seedlings,Bulbs (Plants),Prices,Fiction,Biography,Ornamental Plants,Seeds,Genealogy,Nurseries (Horticulture),Flowers,Berries,Fruit trees,Gladiolus,Statistics,Pictorial works,Trees


    Detroit,United States,Detroit (Mich.),Grand Rapids,Bridgman,Wisconsin,Ann Arbor,Monroe,Holland,Upper Peninsula,Lansing,Ohio,Battle Creek,Kalamazoo,Jackson,Benton Harbor,Minnesota,Upper Peninsula (Mich.),Three Rivers,Stevensville


    Henry Ford (1863-1947),Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),Eddie,Minnie Hamilton,Stevens Thomson Mason (1811-1843),Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961),James Jesse Strang (1813-1856),Jim Qwilleran,Koko,Lewis Cass (1782-1866)


    20th century,19th century,Civil War, 1861-1865,Devonian,1951-,To 1837,21st century,Contemporary,War of 1812,1837-1950

    Prolific Authors

    who have written the most books on this subject
    United States. Bureau of the Census,116 books
    Michigan.,95 books
    R.M. Kellogg Co,81 books
    United States. Congress. House,75 books
    Weller Nurseries Company,72 books
    I.E. Ilgenfritz' Sons Company,69 books
    George W. Hunter (Firm),69 books
    Cottage Gardens Inc,60 books
    United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce,59 books
    Greening Nursery Company,59 books
    D.M. Ferry & Co,57 books
    United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rivers and Harbors,54 books
    A.M. Grootendorst, Inc,53 books
    S.M. Isbell & Co,41 books
    Richards Gardens (Plainwell, Mich.),39 books
    Michigan,38 books
    Institute of Continuing Legal Education (Mich.),36 books
    Elmer D. Smith & Co,36 books
    C.E. Whitten's Nurseries,35 books
    Burgess Seed & Plant Co. (Galesburg, Mich.),35 books
    Detroit Institute of Arts.,33 books
    Nancy Corwin,33 books
    Michigan. Dept. of Public Instruction.,31 books
    Michigan. Dept. of Education.,31 books
    Nelis Nurseries,31 books

