The goal of thisProject is to focuson porting the JDK to popular mobile platforms such as iOS,Android, and Windows. The short term goal of this project is tosupport the following enhancements and prepare to integrate theseinto a future release of JDK 9.
This project will be managing two different repositories withdifferent integration rules. Both repositories are jcheck enabledand require issues to be used forintegration.
The mobile/jdk9 forest will only be allowed to contain OpenJDKofficial approved changeset that have been properly reviewed as ifthey were going to be immediately integrated into JDK 9.
The mobile/dev repository will be used for integration offeatures that are either not approved for JDK 9 integration, earlyprototypes, or sharing of early features not yet ready forintegration into mobile/jdk9.
We will be using the JDK project in the https://bugs.openjdk.orgbug system to track changes and file RFE's and bugs. When filing orquerying for issues, we will be using "9-repo-mobile" in the"Affects Version" and "Fix Version" fields.
For detailed information on each supported operating systemplatform such as tool requirements, building and runningapplications, click on the links below:
This Project is sponsored by thePorters Group.