The Governing Board oversees the structure, operation, andoverall health of the OpenJDK Community. It upholds and maintainstheBylaws, resolves procedural disputes, andensures that sufficient infrastructure is available to Communitymembers. The Governing Board has no direct authority over technicalor release decisions.
The current members of the Governing Board are:
At-Large members serve for a term of one calendar year, startingon the first day of April each year.
The Governing Board currently has oneObserver:
The Members of the Governing Board, and its Observers, may bereached viagb atopenjdk dot java net.
The OpenJDK Scorecard is an annual evaluation of the OpenJDKCommunity's progress across various areas. It also serves as theCommunity's Annual Report.
Information about the original Sun-chartered Interim GovernanceBoard has been archivedhere.