OpenInfra Universe
Open infrastructure goes beyond the projects that aredirectly hosted at the OpenInfra Foundation. The OpenInfra Universe provides a look at the open source solutions available for infrastructure projects: open source projects that help provide infrastructure resources for others to build on, in use cases such as edge computing, container infrastructure, public/private hybrid cloud, AI & machine learning, CI/CD, and more. Most of these projects power or rely on theOpen Infrastructure Blueprint (Linux, OpenStack, and Kubernetes), an end-to-end open source solution for providing infrastructure. Projects in the OpenInfra Universe are discussed atOpenInfra events around the world.

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Join the OpenInfra Universe
Do you have an open source project that should be listed in the OpenInfra Universe? The Universe is always expanding, so reach out and let us know about it!
Before submitting a new project to the OpenInfra Universe, please ensure the following criteria is met:
- Must be openly licensed with an OSI-approved license.
- Must be software used to provide infrastructure.
- Must have at least one organization integrating it with an OpenInfra project.